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Mom Sends Out Sobering Warning After Finding A Pill In Popular Baby Snack

When you open up a pre-packaged snack for your child, you don't expect to find a foreign piece in it. Unfortunately, it does happen and one mom in West Texas is sharing her story to warn other parents.

Meghan Davis had the surprise of her life after she poured some Gerber Puffs for her 6-month-old son to snack on.

She found pieces of a white pill among the cereal puffs. "I went down to reach to grab one to put it up to his mouth and there was a white chunk sitting there," she told NBC 5.

The alarmed mom reported the incident instantly and sent the pill for testing.

According to NBC 5, Gerber responded with a statement clarifying that "Puffs are made on a dedicated baby food line with no pills. Its staff wears shirts with no pockets so nothing can fall in, and Gerber says the bottles are scanned and checked for any foreign objects before they leave."

Click on the next page to find out what happened after the the test results were released.

As any shocked parent would react to such a discovery, Davis took the cereal away from her child and contacted Gerber right away.

Following a series of tests, the company confirmed that the white pill was Tylenol Three with Codeine. The terrified mom took to Facebook to share her experience and urge parents to be more vigilant about what they feed their little ones.

More parents came forward about finding pills in their children's Puffs since Meghan's story went viral. There is an investigation underway and the FDA is looking further into the reports.

Asides from this incident, Meghan said she's never had issues with Gerber products. In an attempt to restore her trust in their products, the company has given Meghan a tour of their Michigan plant.

This is a reminder that things can inexplicably go wrong at any given time so parents should keep a closer eye on what they pour into their kid's bowl or high chair.

Have you ever found a foreign object in your food? Let us know!

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