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Natural Remedies for Everyday Ailments

Plants have been used for treating infections, relieving pain, and curing disease for millennia. Apothecaries were the chemists of ancient times.  They mixed all manner of herbs to formulate medicines. Botanists, witchdoctors, shamans, and other healers routinely dabble in herbal remedies for all sorts of maladies. Many modern-day medicines are created from plant extracts and organic compounds. Indeed, regulated pharmaceuticals in use today contain organic material, in a processed form.

Various herbal remedies for preventing and curing disease have grown in popularity in recent years. This multibillion-dollar market contains all manner of valuable nutritional supplements, including protein, creatine, L-glutamine, et al. A growing chorus of researchers in the established medical community now champions specific fungi for the tremendous health benefits they offer. Mushrooms have long-held tremendous curative properties as one of the most important superfoods on the planet. They are particularly useful for immune system strengthening, with attendant health benefits for joints, muscles, bones, mood, sleep, and stress relief.

World-class research scientists at Cannabotech – a botanical pharmacy – have been formulating powerful patented solutions blended from high-grade traditional mushrooms for strengthening the immune system. By blending the nutrient-rich elements in high-grade mushrooms with pharmaceutical-grade CBD oil, far-reaching benefits can now be enjoyed. These include health maintenance, immune system benefits, sleep support, stress relief, improved muscles and joints, and bone support. The research team at this company focuses on several types of mushrooms, notably:

  • Oyster MushroomsPleurotus ostreatus, these mushrooms require high levels of humidity, and they offer exceptional nutritional value, with immune system health benefits and heart health benefits too. They are rich in anti-inflammatory agents and have strong antioxidant effects on the body.
  • Reishi Mushrooms – this popular mushroom is noted for its cancer-fighting abilities, and overall immune system boosting properties. It was reported that in a specific cancer study of 4000 breast cancer survivors, 59% of them ate Reishi Mushrooms. There is promising data to suggest that these mushrooms are effective cancer-fighting food.
  • Enokitake Mushrooms – otherwise known as Enoki Mushrooms, these superfoods are the fungi of choice for soups, risottos, and stir-fries. This edible mushroom looks like a bunch of noodles. They are common across Japan, and they contain plenty of ingredients such as iron, copper, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, niacin, calcium, and fiber.

These edible fungi have tremendous medicinal properties, especially when combined with premium-grade CBD.  

Why Are Mushrooms Considered Such an Incredible Biopharmaceutical Breakthrough?

According to NCBI, the rudimentary mushroom has been consumed since ancient times. It was the Greeks who promoted eating mushrooms for their soldiers as they believed it strengthened them in battle. Indeed, the Romans dubbed mushrooms as the Food of The Gods. Further afield, to the east, the ancient Chinese considered mushrooms to be the ‘Elixir of Life’.

Over thousands of years, the basic mushroom has been providing for the nutritional, health, and wellness needs of mankind. Not only are these low caloric foods, but they are also rich in nutrients. Mushrooms have zero cholesterol, and they are extremely low in sodium, carbohydrates, and fats.

Carmiero et al (2013) published a report detailing the composition of edible mushrooms. Popular mushrooms like Pleurotus sajor-caju contain 37.4% protein, 1% fat, 6.3% ash, and 55.3% carbohydrates. Other species of mushrooms such as Agaricus bisporus contain 14.1% protein, 2.2% fat, 9.7% ash, and 74% carbohydrates.

While the numbers vary from one edible mushroom to the next, it is clear that these superfoods are highly beneficial forms of nutrition. Some 100+ medicinal features are evident in fungi and mushrooms. These include a wide range of protective immune-boosting properties, notably:

  • Antiviral
  • Antifungal
  • Antioxidant
  • Anticancer
  • Antidiabetic
  • Antiallergic
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiparasitic
  • Detoxification
  • Immunomodulating
  • Anticholesterolemic
  • Hepatoprotective Effects
  • Cardiovascular Protection

Thanks to their high protein content and elevated levels of minerals, fiber, vitamins, and low-fat, mushrooms are ideal foods, filled with bioactive compounds. Sucrose and fructose are found in low quantities in edible mushrooms, while trehalose, mannitol, and glucose are in abundant supply.

It's the bioactive proteins in mushrooms that have pharmaceutical value. The biological activities include ribosomal inactivating proteins, ribonucleases, fungal immunomodulatory proteins, and lectins. All of these are powerful agents for combating cancer. The polyunsaturated fatty acids have been linked to lower levels of cholesterol, and the phenolic compounds have anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties too. Mushrooms may be small, but they certainly deliver!

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