
New Search Engine Will Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Believe it or not the internet is a lot safer today than it was a decade ago. There are more tools and programs that can filter out content that may be harmful to children. Parents can also install browser extensions and software that make it easier to monitor children's usage even when they're not physically present.

Despite all the advanced online safety tools, the internet can still be overwhelming and there are a lot of things that should remain hidden from children. To enhance your children's online safety, developers created Kiddle, a search engine powered by Google safe search for kids.

You'll notice that Kiddle users the same colors as the Google logo along with a kid-friendly and quirky design as a background. Kids will be able to search for web content, images, news and videos. According to TechTimes, Kiddle's search algorithm is designed to make it easier for children to do research while staying safe.

"The first one to three results will include safe sites and pages that are written specifically for kids that are hand picked and checked by the editors. The next four to seven results will feature sites that include content that is written in simple language so that young children are able to comprehend what they are researching."

You won't ever have to worry about your kid being exposed to age inappropriate or explicit content. You'll also have the option to block additional keywords and websites if you feel that they are not suitable for kids. Another thing of importance to note is that Kiddle will never collect your kid's personal information and it's logs are cleared every 24 hours.

In addition to Kiddle, school-age children can take advantage of this Student's Internet Research Guide, an interactive learning tool that'll help young students and educators navigate the internet more responsibly.

They'll be able to obtain information, check for credible sources, and cite their research. It features games throughout that keep the reader engaged and having fun. They also have a workbook which can be downloaded and/or printed.

Are you happy to know that these kid-friendly online search tools exist?

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