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Orphaned Kitten Arrives In His New Home, But Owner's Heart Melts When He Meets His New Brother

A tiny kitten was found all by himself on a chilly October day. He was in desperate need of medical attention, but luckily he was discovered by animal rescuer, Moonglade Rose, who brought him right to the vet.  â¤ ❤

Moonglade Rose

Rose named the tiny kitten Opie, but she was worried how her current cat, Andy, would react to the new addition. Andy was also a rescue, so she had no way to know if he had been around other cats before. His reaction was going to be a complete surprise.

Moonglade Rose

When she brought tiny Opie into the house, he let out a little squeak notifying Andy that there was someone new in his house. Andy quickly came running, which worried Rose for a moment, but then his reaction had her snapping as many pictures as she could...

As soon as Andy saw Opie, he wrapped his arms around the little ball of fur. "Andy welcomed him immediately and wouldn't stop hugging him and kissing him," Rose said. He started grooming him and trying to make him feel better.

Moonglade Rose

The pair bonded immediately, sticking close together for the entire night. Andy was basically guarding him like a big brother, knowing exactly what it's like to be saved by their new owner. Andy was found near death at a gas station, and immediately fell in love with his rescuer. He's apparently passed on the cuddling skill to Opie, teaching him all the tricks he has learned.

Moonglade Rose

"Opie seems to trust me and keeps falling asleep on me. Little guy fits in my hand. And Andy absolutely loves him," Rose said. She had to wake up every few hours to keep the young kitten fed, but every time he was done he would curl up on her chest and go right to sleep.

Moonglade Rose

Andy was never far behind. Rose said that, "Andy gives his brother lots of love and has been teaching him about the litter box, how to land on his feet, how to hunt and play, but mostly how to cuddle."

Moonglade Rose

"I was adopted," Rose explained. "There's always been something missing, even after I met my birth family, but Andy saved my life. And now Opie seems to be doing the same for Andy. What goes around comes around."

Moonglade Rose

Opie has become an important member of the family, and Rose is so glad that she was able to rescue him. "Andy absolutely adores him and protects him. My happy boys. I'm so lucky."

Moonglade Rose

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