
Patrick Swayze Was Brutally Bullied As A Child, But His Father's Advice Changed Everything

Patrick Swayze was the most beloved actor in the 80s.

He starred in box office hits like The Outsiders, Ghost, and Dirty Dancing, and let's be real, we've all re-watched his movies more times than we can count.

Patrick became popular for playing tough guys and romantic leads. Any girl in that decade would have swooned over him!

Every time I watched him and his wife, Lisa Nieme, dance, I felt pure bliss.

But what many people don't know is that before he rose to fame, the former "Sexiest Man Alive" had a rough childhood.

In March 2018, REELZ channel released a documentary film titled Patrick Swayze: The Price of Fame, which uncovered the truth behind the events leading up to the late star's rise to celebrity status.

Patrick was an exceptional dancer. To reach that kind of level of expertise, he had to have practiced dance for years. And he did!

But that's the problem. Patrick was bullied as a teen for his dancing skills.

He grew up going to his mother's dancing studio, learning how to master pirouettes and footwork combinations, which many considered to be more "feminine-like."

Patrick had another incredible talent that many people made fun of: his singing.

During the time period he grew up, singing and dancing weren't what "guys" did.

And so he became the target of bullying, where people tried to verbally and physically abuse him, especially when he was carrying his ballet shoes.

Patrick would return from school with bruises, cuts, and other marks on his body, but he never said a thing to anyone.


The reason why he seemed unbothered by these bullies was because of this lesson that he learned from his father:

"Having a gentle side doesn't make you less of a man, it makes you a better one; and you might not always win, but you never, ever give up."

These simple, but powerful words changed his life.


To be honest, you seriously have to be grown up to understand that a man like Patrick was a gem.

When he died in 2009 from pancreatic cancer, Niemi's biggest regret was that she "didn't tell him that [she] loved him enough over that entire 34 years."

The Hollywood star had his share of ups and downs, but who doesn't? Patrick has made an impact in the lives of many generations, and not many people can say that.

He set an example for young people to follow their dreams and never give up.

There's no denying that his father's advice led him on the right path, but the fact that he didn't give up in the face of adversity is so admirable.

Share Patrick's story of adversity to inspire the people around you!

Patrick Swayze isn't the only star who was relentlessly bullied as a child. Winona Ryder also had a rough childhood, but she fought back.

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