Did You Know

If You See Your Pet Pushing Their Head Against A Wall, Take Them To The Vet Immediately

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Pets do all sorts of strange and adorable things, and because we don't understand exactly why they do the things they do, we either laugh or leave them be.

Of course, there are certain symptoms that would sound the alarm, especially if it's similar in ways that we show we're sick.

The thing is, not every behavior is similar, and veterinarians are warning pet owners about a clear sign that may indicate something is seriously wrong with your dog or cat.

Head Pressing

The sight of your pet pressing their head against a flat wall may seem funny at first. It looks as if they want some alone time or are bored out of their mind.

In reality, if you see your pet pressing their head against a wall, you should be concerned.

Head pressing is a serious medical condition that causes your pet to not only place their head on a flat wall, but other large solid objects.

You'll notice that your pet will stay in this position for a few minutes.

According to vets, other animals like cows, goats, sheep, and horses also head press to show that something is wrong.

What Does It Mean?

According to PetMD, head pressing is a sign of a neurological condition or a way for your pet to signal they're in pain.

"This generally indicates damage to the nervous system, which may result from a number of causes, including prosencephalon disease (in which the forebrain and thalamus parts of the brain are damaged), and some types of toxic poisoning (lead)."

Head pressing could be a sign of a number of neurological disorders, such as hydrocephalus, meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, brain tumor, infection, inflammation, and head trauma.

Other signs you should watch out for is your pet walking in circles, pacing constantly, blankly staring at the wall, seizures, visual impairment, and pushing their face into the ground.

Why You Need To Go To The Vet Immediately

It's possible for your pets to be treated for the condition that's causing them to press their heads against objects.

In order for that to happen, you need to take your pet to see the vet as soon as possible.

Some Reddit users shared heartbreaking stories of what happened soon after seeing their dogs head pressing.

"Years ago I came home and found my dog pressing her head against a wall in the corner of the room. Within 24 hours she was having seizures and we had to put her down."

"Can confirm. My Labrador of 9 years had to be put down due to a brain tumor 2 months ago. One of his eyes went cloudy, whimpering, walking in circles and pressing head against objects."

"Very serious. I saw my dog press her head against a wall about a half hour before she passed."

"Not only does it mean they are having a health problem, it's a PAIN response. Think about when you have a terrible headache and you rub your temples or poke your eyes to help relieve pain. This is exactly what they are trying to do."

[H/T: Newsner]

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