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Pope Francis Wants To Change The "Our Father" Prayer

Daily Mail

Pope Francis, the current Pope of the Catholic Church, is perhaps one of the most liberal members the Vatican has ever seen.

He's not afraid to state his opinions about his religion and suggest changes if necessary.

From the moment he stepped onto the balcony at St. Peter's in Rome as Pope, he put a new emphasis on poverty and simplicity. He has embraced a man with severe facial disfigurement and washed the feet of a group of young offenders, things that have never been done by previous popes.  

He preaches mercy, and hopes that religion will be a way to unite and better people.

Last year, the Pope issued a worldwide survey of Catholics asking for their views on single parent families, contraception, and gay marriage.

Now he has a new task to enrich the lives of his religious followers.

Pope Francis wants to change a line in Christianity's best-known prayer.

The Lord's Prayer, also widely known as "Our Father," has been updated several times.

It was first translated from Jesus's language, Aramaic, which was then translated to ancient Greek, and then later to Latin vulgate, but now it stands as it's read below.

The Pope believes that the prayer needs a better translation for the phrase about temptation.

He argues that the current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" strongly suggests that God leads people to sin.

"That is not a good translation," he said.

The Pope suggests the phrase be changed to what France's Roman Catholic Church uses: "do not let us fall into temptation."

"I am the one who falls. It's not him pushing me into temptation to then see how I have fallen," he continued. "A father doesn't do that, a father helps you to get up immediately. It's Satan who leads us into temptation, that's his department."

Do you think a line in "Our Father" should be changed? Let us know!

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