Travel | Did You Know

The Future of Travel – What to Expect

Travel, at one time, was reserved for only a few. Over the decades, the charm of seeing the world captivated people from all walks of life, making the industry grow exponentially. As prices came down, and the idea of backpacking or budget travel became prevalent, more and more people started to travel, some for work, while others for leisure. Now, with the help of technology and other industry developments, people can visit the far corners of our planet and enjoy its many wonders.

For any industry to remain relevant in this fast-changing world, it needs to upgrade itself continually. In the case of travel, there have been several advancements over the last few decades that make it more comfortable for people to go from one point to another. However, the future is where the travel industry is really focusing now. It is finally entering a revolutionary stage where travel will change the way we interact, work, and live our lives. Something I would definitely advise if you are thinking about travel in the near future is obtaining your international driving permit. An IDP is a requirement to drive or rent a car in several foreign countries. It is also a United Nations regulated travel document for your safety and ease of travel.

On-Road Technology

New and safer on-road travel technology is amongst the prime areas of interest for most automobile manufacturers. On the one hand, they are busy making two-wheelers more convenient by creating bikes that don't topple over, thus reducing the chances of accidents. But the future lies in driverless cars. Already in the testing stage, driverless cars will tackle two issues in one go. Firstly, they are likely to reduce road accidents by removing human error. In terms of travel, it will allow people to cover long distances without feeling fatigued. As a result, it will encourage more travellers to use roads, reducing their carbon footprint since driverless cars are going to be environmentally friendly from the start.

Armchair Travel

It might not be the most favoured form of travel, but a lot of people are unable to see the world physically and rely on other sources to quench their thirst for travel. TV shows, travel blogs, and local travel are some opportunities, but thanks to virtual reality, it is already possible for individuals to see the world like never before. As virtual reality headsets go mainstream, anyone can climb up the Eiffel Tower, walk around the Taj Mahal, or dive into the Great Barrier Reef, without even leaving their living room.

Space Tourism

The one event that has the entire travel industry on its toes is space tourism. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, there are companies around the world working day and night to be the first in what is going to be a historical event. Space tourism is not for astronauts but is meant to give the everyday traveller, albeit a rich one, for now, a chance to venture into space for a few minutes and experience a sight that most of us have only ever dreamed about.

Airport Security

In the near future, though, we can once again expect changes in how we travel, especially by air as airport security is likely to be more thorough, but also hopefully faster. As countries become more cautious at their borders, technology is helping keep track of people as they leave or enter a nation. From thermal scans, fingerprints, and retina scans to setting up databases with all the information about a traveller; soon, our lives will be on complete display as we travel. However, this is likely to reduce travel time at airports, and hopefully tackle those long, and annoying queues at passport control.    

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