Did You Know

5 Impressive Things Your Dog Knows About You Before You Even Realize Them Yourself

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You dog may not be able to talk but that doesn't mean they aren't listening. Whether it's through verbal or physical cues, it seems as though your dog is always paying attention.

They can pick up on a lot more than you realize, even noticing things that you haven't. Their innate ability to perceive the seemingly invisible clues that our human minds can't process are actually scientifically proven.

It's not that you're projecting their unconditional love as a sign they are understanding everything that's going on in your life, researchers have actually proven they actually ARE understanding.

Here are the things your dog knows about you without you even realizing it.

Dogs can sniff out cancer

I'm going to start with this one because it seems like it's the most outrageous and unlikely to be true, but many studies have actually proven that dogs can sniff out cancer.

Because of their incredible noses, they can actually sniff out certain compounds in a person's blood or breath.

While these dog tests aren't 100% accurate, they're getting pretty close. They've been 88% accurate when it comes to breast cancer, and 99% accurate for lung cancer. Doctors have been also able to train dogs to sniff out ovarian cancer.

So if your dog is sniffing at you a lot, it may be time to check in at the doctors.

Dogs know when a storm is coming

It has been one of those old wives' tales forever, but scientists have confirmed that dogs actually know when a big storm is about to drop.

It's suspected that their ability to act as a weatherman is because they can better sense changes in barometric pressure than we can.

Not only that, but humidity and ozone concentrations also change before a big storm, and dogs can feel it long before we can.

One study found that static electricity may impact their senses, which is why they can pick up on thunderstorms earlier than we can.

The small study showed that they could ease dog's thunderstorm anxiety by placing an anti-static jacket on them, therefore making it more difficult to pick up on the impending storm.

While this isn't specifically about their owners, it could be a sign that they are concerned about the safety of themselves and their pack (aka: you).

Dogs know when you're scared

While it's kind of crazy to think that dogs can smell our blood as it pumps through our veins, that's part of the reason why they are so perceptive to our emotions.

They know you're scared because they can actually smell the adrenaline that is getting flooded into your bloodstream when you're nervous or afraid.

When they start to smell it, they are likely going to stick by you to help you feel safe.

Dogs know their puppy eyes are working on you

You know that look they give you, with those big, sweet eyes staring up, begging you to share your dinner?  

Well, those puppy eyes are all part of their plan to not only trick you into sharing your snacks, but also to make you happy.

When you look at your dog, scientists have found that your brain releases oxytocin, the chemical responsible for making you feel happy and connected to something.

Your dog also gets the same chemical release in their brain, so they make sure that you look at them all the time so you can both feel that bond grow.

Dogs know when you don't like someone

When you're out on a walk with your dog and you find they are barking at someone, or if they just hold onto their grudges long after a person has arrived in your house, it's because they are picking up on the changes you didn't even know you were going through.

Your posture tenses up, your breathing changes, and your body begins to emit different pheromones, and all of these things are easily perceptible to your beloved pooch. It puts them on edge and makes them worried about their owners so they may be hesitant to trust them.

Dogs know so much more than people give them credit for, but it seems like at least some scientists understand just how clever they are.

Source - Journal of Veterinary Behavior / BMC Cancer Research / PetMD / I Heart Dogs / Reader's Digest

Do you find that your dog picks up on your moods?

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