
Clear Coffee Will Make Your Dentist Happy

Get your morning pick-me-up without having to worry about how much the dark, sweet java is staining your teeth, clothes and leaving rings on your side tables.

CLR CFF is the first colorless coffee in the world and tastes like your favorite caffeniated drink without the dark appearance.

Made from high quality fresh roasted Arabica coffee beans, this is a game-changer coffee drinkers everywhere.

Using methods that have never been tried before, 2 brothers from the UK invented CLR CFF to solve a problem they can relate to.

"We are heavy coffee drinkers," co-founder David Nagy told the Evening Standard. "Like many other people we struggled with the teeth stains caused by it. There was nothing on the market that would suit our needs so we decided to create our own recipe."

"The production method is based on physical processing and doesn't include any chemicals," says Nagy.

There's an added bonus for nightlife too. See what it is on the next page and where to get it!

As an added bonus, bartenders are also using bottle of this creation to mix custom coffee drinks to cater to their nightlife crowd.

Right now CLR CFF is available in the U.K. for  £5.99 (about $7.50), which is pricey but on par with your Starbucks drinks.

Would you make the switch to clear coffee?

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