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What you need to know about DIY home renovation and remodelling

Photo by Daniela Gisin-Krumsick on Unsplash

There are so many questions involved with planning a home remodel. What does it entail? How long should it take? How much will it cost? Many home designers recommend getting professional help for large or complex projects. However, this guide gives you general tips for home renovation and remodelling long island projects to bring your ideas to reality.

Budget is the heart and soul of your project.

Whether you are redoing one room of your house or an entire floor, making a budget is the first thing you should do. A budget determines how much to spend on each part of your renovation. It also serves as an organizing tool and helps you keep track of expenses. Lastly, creating a realistic budget will give you peace of mind because you won’t be left wondering whether or not you can complete your project.

Manage your expectations

You don't plan for some things - the mysterious hot water leak that turns out to be a broken water line. The electrical panel whose contents you can see dumped onto your front yard. The gas fireplace you found behind the sheetrock is hiding in the centre of the living room wall. You assume most homes have standard set-ups, so you don't plan for these things until they spring on you.

Take time to select your design.

Before you get started, consider what kind of space you want to create. Do you want a space that feels cozy and intimate? Something modern and sleek? Or a room that is traditional yet has a few rustic accents? It's a good idea to identify different decorative touches and furniture styles before you start shopping for your home.

It would be unwise not to do this before researching various design ideas, soliciting pricing estimates, and putting together a home renovation budget.

The renovation may take longer than expected.

Okay, maybe you're not doing a whole renovation; perhaps it’s just replacing an old carpet with wood flooring and putting up some new paint on the walls, but wherever you are on the home improvement spectrum, you should account for the fact that nothing goes as planned.

For instance, how much time does it take to remodel a bathroom? A minor update may take just a few days or weeks. On the other hand, if you’re planning a significant overhaul that involves knocking down walls and constructing new ones, you might find that several months is more realistic.

Some changes will require a permit.

Before beginning your home improvement project, have a clear idea of what needs a permit and what does not. Getting a permit is the responsibility of the homeowner. In most cities, you can apply for permits online or by phone. A minor remodel such as painting can be done without any license, but you would still want to confirm that with your local city government.

On the other hand, a major remodel such as adding a new room would require a permit and inspections. The reason for this is to ensure the construction itself is up to code and meets the requirements of the zoning and building department.

Final word

First impressions of your home will be the first thing anyone sees. And if you carry out some simple renovations, it can also increase the value of your home.

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