A Guide to Illness in Cats

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A Guide to Illness in Cats

As a pet owner, it can be difficult not to constantly worry about your cat falling ill, especially if they are prone to illness, are a senior, or have a pre-existing health condition. However, rather than worry about this, you should instead read up on illness in cats so that you are prepared for every eventuality and so that you know what to do during a health emergency.

How can you tell if they are ill?

Cats are often evasive and independent creatures, and this can make it hard to tell when they are feeling under the weather. However, there are some sure signs that you can look out for. For instance, your cat might be more withdrawn than usual and go off on their own. They might also retreat to their bed and be more lethargic than usual. Conversely, they could be more irritable and bite and scratch when you approach them. Cats might also eat less and drink more water, or you might find that they are disinterested in playing and start itching their skin a lot. They might also groom themselves differently and lose weight, as well as have glassy eyes and be unsteady on their feet.

What should you do if they fall ill?

It can be a worrying time when your cat gets poorly, especially if they are usually incredibly healthy or are young. As soon as you notice symptoms of disease in your pet, you should consider taking them to a vet. A vet will be able to get them the treatment that they need as soon as possible and diagnose any health conditions that they have. This can prevent these issues from worsening and causing your pet to become very unwell. However, you should always make sure that you employ the expertise of a qualified vet that has years of experience in the field and that you trust. You can either get recommendations from other pet owners or sign up at a reputable Renton vets.

What are some of the most common illnesses?

Some illnesses are more common than others in cats, and so it is important that you are aware of the most likely health conditions that your cat could develop. Two of the most common illnesses in cats, and two of the leading causes of death in cats, are feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia. These are contagious and can spread between cats. However, there is a vaccination for feline leukemia, and you can prevent your cat from getting FIV by deterring them from sparring with other cats, keeping them in at night, and getting them spayed or neutered as soon as you can.

Your cat might also have painful issues with their teeth, especially if they are reluctant to let you brush their teeth with cat-friendly toothpaste, and abscesses and decay could form in their mouths. This means that you should always try to find pet insurance that covers dental work. You should also be aware of the possibility of your cat developing kidney disease, which might lead to an increased risk of bladder infections and might leave them lethargic and looking more straggly than usual.

Head of Content, reality TV watcher and lover of cookies.