New Perspectives

10 Signs You're A Serious Over-Thinker


Overthinking is completely normal, and everyone does it from time to time. There is a fine line between over thinking from time to time, and being a full on over-thinker.

If at least six of these apply to you, you're probably overthinking too much.  

1. You over-analyze literally everything

When your waiter says "enjoy your meal," and you say "you too," and think about it for the next four years. This one might be obvious but it is over thinkers number one problem. If you take every situation and pick it apart piece by piece you are probably an over-thinker.

2. You have never been sure of anything

You've probably approached every decision, big and small, with the same steps of overthinking. And are always displeased with the results.

3. Have the fear of missing out (FOMO)

In the back of your mind you think that if you miss out on something that one thing will be the best time ever, and it will be an everlasting memory people will have without you.  

4. You say sorry for everything you do

Even when you didn't do anything, you feel like you might have so you say sorry for it anyways. And when people tell you to stop saying sorry you apologize for saying it too much.

5. Taking forever to write any kind of message

Whether it's a text to your friend or an email to your co-worker, you re-write it countless times because you don't want them to interpret it wrong. Linda is not going to be mad at you if you don't put a smiley face emoji at the end of your message, so just send it!

6. The worst case scenario is the only scenario

Because you don't want to get let down by having high hopes, right?

Now for the actual scientific stuff:

7. You get a lot of headaches

Headaches signal to our bodies that we need a break, and this includes a rest from our own minds.

8. You have stiff muscles and joints

Believe it or not, overthinking can affect your whole body. Once your physical body becomes affected by something, it moves into your emotional body, and until the underlying issue gets addressed, you will keep having aches and pains.

9. You're always tired

While fatigue can also be caused by doing too much and not resting, overthinking can also cause exhaustion. Think about it (but not too hard, of course): when you think about things constantly, you don't give your mind a rest. Your mind cannot run 24/7; you'll eventually get burnt out.

10. You're afraid to fail

Overthinking usually stems from the fear of failure. If we are afraid to fail, we will do everything in our power to not fail. This leads to overthinking.

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