A lot of things change from when we were kids. Physically, emotionally, everything changes. But a lot of other things change that aren't quite quantifiable like, the music we listen to, the type of books we like, the sports we play, the people we hang out with, and of course, the food that we eat.
The food that we enjoy on a personal level never stops evolving. Sure, some people are picky to a fault, but most people are willing to try new foods, and even give food that they used to hate a second chance.
I decided to find out what foods my coworkers hated as children, but have since pulled an abrupt turn on, and love now that they are adults. There are some foods you would expect on the list, but there are several that surprised me when I was getting responses back from people in the office.
I asked them all a simple question: Give me one food that you hated as kids, but you can't get enough of now that you are adults. The answers came back in a flurry, with some striking similarities, but others that just blew me away.
1. Asparagus
I can understand not liking this as a child, if for nothing else than an aesthetics reason. Sure, it will make your pee smell a little funny, but add a little butter, salt and pepper, and you are off to the races. I'm glad they added this food to their repertoire.

2. Perogies
This blew me away, but not as much as the story that came with it. Apparently when her mom gave her perogies for the first time, she decided that she would make a sign with a crossed out perogie, and protest the food in her front yard for everyone to see.

3. Parsnips
I have personally never tried a parsnip, so I can't really say whether this is a big change in someone's diet or not. They look pretty good, but I guess as a kid, you might find them unappetizing to look at?

4. Brussel Sprouts
This was one of the fist answers I got back, and the only thing that surprised me about it, is that several people actually started to enjoy eating these miniature little cabbages. I give props to anyone who has found a way to enjoy these, but I still haven't found the magic recipe.

5. Olives
Everybody loves olive oil, but actually eating these little ovals can be difficult. When I asked them what changed their mind on these, "I tried my first martini."

6. Eggs
Eggs are fantastic, and they are a staple to any weekend morning meal. I was told by the person who brought back this answer that eggs used to make them gag, but now they eat them several times a week, and they don't care how they are cooked.

How are we doing so far? Do you agree with the answers that came back to my simple question?
7. Steak
This was just blasphemous to me until I heard the reason why. Apparently, they didn't realize that steak wasn't supposed to be cooked to the consistency of a hockey puck. Once they figured this out, steak became a mainstay in their diet.

8. Broccoli
Another one that you would expect to see on this list. Broccoli is one of those things that most kids learn to hate before they have actually given them a chance on the plate. Still, the smell can sometimes be enough to throw off even the most "food adventurous" adult.

9. Tomatoes
Honestly, who doesn't love tomatoes? Well, apparently one of my coworkers used to have a strong aversion to them growing up. It's a good thing that they changed their mind because frankly, tomatoes go on just about everything.

10. Mussels
This was one of mine. Growing up on the eastern-seaboard, seafood was plentiful, but I for some reason just couldn't bring myself to eat these delicious little morsels. Now you can put me in an all-you-can-eat situation and I will bankrupt the joint.

11. Coffee
Coffee is one of those acquired tastes. I remember as a kid, pretending to drink decaf coffee in an effort to look more adult. I don't know when or how my pallet seemed to change, but as I write this, I am sipping on my third cup of the day and it isn't even noon yet.

12. Oatmeal
Sometimes nothing could perk you up on a cold winter morning better than a hot bowl of oatmeal. Sure, it looked gross (and still does), but it was delicious most of the time. I got a good laugh as I was given this answer from one of my coworkers as they actually ate a steaming bowl of the stuff as testament to their newfound love for it.

If you could add any food to this list, what would it be?