It's not really a surprise to anyone that cats are smart, they just choose to act stupid sometimes.
These small felines seem to react to human actions all the time, mostly looking displeased, but sometimes their reactions are so spot on it's almost as if they are evolving into us.
These cats are living proof that cats are slowly getting smarter and more human-like, and frankly it's hilarious.
1. You've referred to him as your child enough, now he's acting like it.

2. "I was told food is served at the table. I am at the table."

3. "We are late for our axe-throwing reservation. I'm not wearing paid for nothing, David."

4. It's like an Animorph in mid-form.

5. "If I hid this baby under the long would it take you to notice?"

6. Most people love bagels for breakfast, this cat is no different.

7. "We are going to FINISH this game of Monopoly, Sharon, I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW."

8. "Get in, loser. We're going shopping!"

9. "I'm hearing you, but what I'm not hearing is the treat if we're going to go any further I'll need you to get on that."

10. This teenage cat, who is clearly going through her rebellious phase.

11. This cat, who is ready to take you for all you're worth.

12. This cat, who is not ready to do the walk of shame.

13. This cat, who is just asking for a little privacy during her morning routine.

14. This cat, who is not prepared to get blisters on her feet tonight.

15. "Did the large humans not buy you enough pillows? I have places to be."

16. "I have had a long day and just need a little snooze, if you don't mind."

17. "Oh, I thought no one was home. I was just doing some Zumba."

18. "If I'm going to make this job interview we need to be on the road in the next 5 minutes."

19. "Could you pass the Parmesan, please?"

20. This cat, who is doing what we have all done: steal a coworker's food.

21. And this cat, who will wait until you're all done talking before continuing.