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4 Tips to Grow Your Instagram Account Fast

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

If you want to grow your Instagram account quickly, you're in luck. While growing an Instagram account might seem like an easy thing to do, it is actually quite difficult. However, you can do several things to increase your following and get more exposure for your brand. In this post, we'll share four tips to help you grow your Instagram account quickly. Read on to learn more!

Learn About the Algorithm

One of the first things you should do to grow your Instagram account quickly would be to learn as much as possible about the Instagram algorithm, especially the feed. No longer are posts shown in chronological order; now, posts are shown to users by the relationship between you and the user.

In other words, how often a user has interacted with your content, how many similar accounts the user has shown interest in, and how relevant your post is. Instagram also considers how many likes your post got, what location tags are used, when it was posted, how active you are, etc.

It’s important to know that one of the most critical factors in growth would be the levels of engagement your account receives. As such, you need to promote engagement with your posts and use posting methods to increase engagement, such as Stories.

Instagram Stories are a great way to engage with your followers on a more casual, day-to-day basis, and with the possibility to buy Instagram Story views, you can take a shortcut to Instagram success. When posting stories, you should ask questions that promote engagement with the story and always use CTA phrases when posting to your feed.

Use quality hashtags

If you want to grow your Instagram account quickly, one of the best methods would be to use quality, relevant hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to get your content in front of more people, so be sure to use relevant hashtags that are popular with your target audience. Y

ou can use many tools and websites to find out which hashtags are the most popular and which you should avoid. Remember that hashtags exist to categorize content and make content easier for a user to find. This is why your hashtags need to be relevant to the content you are posting.

Keep in mind that you are trying to target a specific audience that will be interested in your content. Using very popular but irrelevant hashtags might reach more people, but that doesn’t mean those people will want to interact with your content.

Share great content

Having said that, it does not matter how many relevant hashtags you use or how much you know about the Instagram algorithm if you are not posting great content. Your followers will only stay engaged if you post high-quality content relevant to them. Make sure you mix up your posts with various types of content, including photos, videos, and Stories.

If you’re not sure whether or not your content is good, you can take a look at your competitors. Visit an account in the same niche as you and look at the type of content they create. All you need to do then is compare the content they are creating with the content you are creating. If you notice a stark difference, perhaps it’s time to focus on creating better-quality content.

Monitor your progress

Finally, the last thing you will have to do if you want to grow your Instagram account quickly would be to monitor your progress. It's important to track how well your efforts yield results so you can tweak things as needed along the way. Use tools like Sprout Social's Instagram Analytics platform to measure key metrics like impressions, clicks, likes, comments, followers gained/lost, etc.

By analyzing your progress, you can see what content does well and doesn’t. More importantly, you’ll be able to identify hashtags that give you the most reach compared to those that don’t. You can also see how many followers you get after what content you create. In other words, analytics will help you to focus on creating the best content for growth.

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