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Time to Clear Up These 5 Food Myths for Good


Trying to figure out what's good, what's bad and what's just plain wrong can be pretty confusing when it comes to the food we eat.

Today's diet industry is flooded with experts ready to give us advice about everything from counting calories to fasting and carb-loading. What's worse, it seems like every few months, the advice changes. What once was bad for us, is now good (in moderation), what once was good is now bad (in excess).

Let's clear up some of the misconceptions we have about food, starting with the most popular food myths we still tell eachother today.

1. Popcorn is Junk Food

Yes and no. It really depends on how you prepare it. Believe it or not, popcorn is a source of fibre and antioxidants. It has the potential to be a healthy snack, as long as you prepare it the right way.

Use an air popper and, instead of butter, drizzle some olive oil on your popcorn. Toss with shredded, hard cheese like Parmesan or Romano cheese.

2. Celery Has "Negative" Calories

If it sounded too good to be true, that's because it is. Celery does have less than 10 calories per serving, but you won't burn more than 10 calories chewing on it.

Think fresh is better than frozen? Think again...

Like wives' tales, the things we tell ourselves (and each other) about food can get a little out of hand. Especially when it comes to what's actually good for us, versus someone's ideas about what's good for us.

We debunk a few more myths below, how many did you think were true?

3. Frozen Fruit Isn't As Healthy As Fresh

Flash-frozen fruits are preserved pretty much on site, which preserves most of its vitamin and mineral content.

Compared with the fresh produce (unless it is locally grown), which actually loses some of its nutrients from harvest to counter, frozen can actually be better for you.

4. Raw Carrots Are More Nutritious Than Cooked

If you love steamed carrots, then you're in luck - cooking carrots increases their nutritional value! The process actually breaks down cellular walls and releases beta-carotene, which our bodies convert into vitamin A.

5. Cut Calories By Using Margarine Instead Of Butter

While you might think that margarine has fewer calories because it is made from vegetable oils, it actually has about the same as butter.

Some margarines are actually worse than butter because they contain trans fats. If you prefer to use margarine, buy one that is trans fat-free.

[h/t BestHealthMagazine / Reader's Digest]

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