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5 Beautiful Short Stories That Will Lift Your Spirits


It's easy to believe only bad things happen in the world. All you have to do is turn on the news, read the newspaper, or listen to someone complaining on the bus. Although bad news tends to be broadcast everywhere, good news comes in small and simple packages.

Good-hearted people are everywhere, you only have to pay attention. Maybe an old friend sent you flowers on your birthday, a postal worker wished you a nice day, or a generous stranger paid for your coffee order.

We've found some of the most heartwarming stories to share with you! See if you don't smile at the end!

1. The Sweeter Apple

A lovely little girl was holding two apples in her hands. Her mom came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile, "My sweetie, could you give your mom one of your two apples? "The girl looked up at her mom for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on one apple, and then quickly on the other. The mom felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her disappointment. Then the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to her mom, and said, "Mommy, here you are. This is the sweeter one."

Source: [Quora]

2. A Glass of Milk

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal, he asked for a drink of water.

She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"

"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."

He said: "Then I thank you from my heart." As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Years later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.

Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval.

He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.

She read these words.....

"Paid in full with one glass of milk"

(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly

Source: [Great Inspirational Quotes]

3. The Trouble Tree


The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.

On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.

Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.

"Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied." I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again."

He paused. "Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there ain't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."

Source: [Great Inspirational Quotes]

Go to the next page to read about the man who bought a flower for a little girl.

4. Rose for Mom

A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, "I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two dollars."

The man smiled and said, "Come on in with me. I'll buy you a rose." He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother's flowers. As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home. She said, "Yes, please! You can take me to my mother." She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.

The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother's house.

Source: [Moral Stores 26]

5. On the Train

A 24-year-old man looking out from the train window shouted, "Dad look the trees are going behind!"

His Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24-year-old's childish behavior with pity.

Suddenly he again said: "Dad, look! The clouds are running with us!"

The couple couldn't resist and said to the old man: "Why don't you take your son to a good doctor?"

The old man smiled and said: "I did and we are just coming from the hospital. My son was blind from birth, and he just got his eyes today."

Source: [Miscw]

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