5 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Classroom While Adding Color

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5 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Classroom While Adding Color

To promote the well-being and happiness of your students while in class, clean, fresh air is critical. Students' learning ability includes studying in a clean, tidy, well-ventilated room. Factors such as creating safe classroom spaces, controlling indoor air quality, regular cleaning, minimizing the use of products that emit harmful substances, and incorporating indoor plants promote healthy learning among students.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, one in four schools is classified as private. Improving air quality does not only apply to private schools but to public schools as well. This is critical since most schools worldwide only have basic ventilation systems, which are often inadequate for meeting the student's needs. So, what can you do to improve indoor air quality in your classroom?

Ensure Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is key; it improves air quality and boosts productivity in the learning environment. Your class should have effective ventilation systems that enhance continuous air change. The cycle is complete when fresh air is constantly circulating as the polluted air is expelled from the classroom.

Poor indoor air quality has been reported to cause significant health issues. The buildup of impurities and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) increases pollution in your classroom. Having a proper ventilation system will help lower the buildup of these pollutants. Although windows and doors vary depending on building styles, they also help improve ventilation.

Conduct Regular Cleaning

Students enjoy learning in a clean and well-maintained classroom. A clean, well-kept environment helps them to focus on what's important, academics. On the other hand, a dirty and untidy classroom can be highly distracting. An airy, clean room also improves students' health and teaches them how to maintain a clean environment.

Regularly Service Your HVAC Systems

Indoor air quality is important to maintaining a healthy classroom learning environment. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research indicates indoor air quality can be two to five times worse than outdoor air. This means you should be extra vigilant and take the necessary steps to improve indoor air quality, especially in classrooms. Put in place appropriate measures to help maintain optimal air quality in your classroom, and it's not hard to learn how to do this. This will reduce pollutants and toxins in your classroom.

Conducting regular maintenance checks on the HVAC systems is necessary. Consider installing an indoor air quality monitoring system to help ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently. Remember that children's developing bodies are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of poor air quality.

Minimize the Use of Products that Emit Harmful Substances

Studies show that a reduction in cognitive performance can be caused by poor air quality in the classroom. As you might be aware, teachers spend most of their time with students in the class. Therefore, to provide a healthy learning environment, consider providing a well-ventilated learning space when using high-emission products such as candles, incense, paint, and glue. You can complete these activities inside the classroom by opening windows and doors or turning on nearby exhaust fans.

Make Use of Plants

Introducing plants to your classroom boosts indoor air quality and helps build social connections and peer engagement while adding a splash of green. Indoor plants improve the air quality in a classroom while adding color, enhancing the learning process and the environment. Knowing which plants to pick can be tricky as not all are ideal for indoor use.

Britannica says the bird-of-paradise flower grows from rhizomes (underground stems) to three to five feet. This unique plant is renowned for its vibrant colors and distinctive shape. It's an excellent addition to a classroom. Besides health and wellness benefits, indoor plants boost visual processing, reduce stress levels, and challenge brain growth through visual stimulation, relationships, and patterns.

While one may not pay much attention to the air they breathe, it significantly impacts daily life. Improving your classroom's air quality complements and fosters a positive atmosphere. It also promotes optimal health for you and your students.

Head of Content, reality TV watcher and lover of cookies.