9 Everyday Chances You May Be Missing To Give Back To Those Who Need It

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9 Everyday Chances You May Be Missing To Give Back To Those Who Need It

Ethically Creative

While it is common for people to volunteer their time and money for a good cause around the holidays, the other 11 months of the year, people may forget to show their generosity.

While it's easy around Christmas to find a toy drive to contribute to, a soup kitchen to volunteer at, or a fundraiser to take part in, helping those less fortunate may not seem as easy during the rest of the year.

Well here are 9 ways for you to give back in your everyday life that won't cost you to make a big donation to a charity.

Share Your Talents

Whether you're an expert knitter or you practice yoga, find an organization that can use your expertise. Whether you're making winter hats for the homeless or teaching yoga classes at a local Boys and Girls Club, there's definitely someone that can benefit from your knowledge.

Donate Blood

Donating blood easily slips our mind until we experience a life event that requires us to accept help from others. This simple 10-minute act of kindness costs you nothing and can provide life-saving emergency care for someone who needs it.

Volunteer for a Crisis Hotline

Put your listening skills to good use by answering the phone when someone needs help. Some of these centers require background checks and some training, but once you're through the screening process you can actually be a friendly ear for someone who just needs to help. Don't worry about getting in over your head, there are trained counselors there if your call requires more than just someone to listen.

Donate Your Stuff

From canned goods to clothing, you can donate just about anything with a non-profit. The food banks are always looking for help to stock shelves, so if you can afford to part with some of your non-perishables, it's a great way to feed hungry people in your community. Schedule pick-ups with non-profits such as Purple Heart, the Lupus Foundation which collect everything from household items to appliances.

Send a Care Package To Our Troops

Even if you don't know anyone currently serving, you can still show your gratitude and help make someone's day. Look for for a nonprofit organization that specializes in care packages, and they can suggest the type of items you can include. Popular contributions include, candy, beef jerky and write a thank you card to include in your package.

Support Companies That Give Back

Some companies make it a priority to give to charity. By shopping and supporting programs like Amazon Smiles, Tom's and Tiny Prints, you can share the benefits with an organization just by shopping.

Take The Lead

There is always a charity that needs help fundraising. Organize a bake sale or go canvas and consider supporting a free clinic for a donation for a cause that is dear to your heart. Get in touch with the foundation and see how they encourage participation.

Exercise Your Body For a Good Cause

While we are all looking to get out and exercise more, this unexpected way to give back will have your body feeling great too! Charitable "thons" are everywhere, all year long, and are supporting just about every disease or cause. Whether it's a Walk for a Cure, a Motorcycle Ride for dad or a Marathon, you can feel good about getting healthy and doing some good at the same time.

Help Out An Animal Friend

Anyone who loves animals, will love this simple way to give back! There are tons of ways to help out our furry friends, from adopting a dog, to providing donations or volunteering to train or walk a dog or two. Check with your local shelters and find ways to help!

How do you make the world a better place?

Source: Mental Floss / Good News Network / The Balance