
Could You Keep Up With Gordon Ramsey In The Kitchen?

<div><p>I think every cooking show fan has dreamed of having a one on one lesson with the world-famous chef Gordon Ramsay, but it can also be pretty stressful.</p><p>This video challenges Shane, a regular Joe who describes himself as a "2 out of 10" when it comes to cooking, against Gordon as they both make crab cakes and salad in just 15 minutes.</p><p>As you can imagine things don't go so well for Shane, although he does his best. Since they're both working with the same instructions, this shows how much a true master chef's knowledge in the kitchen is worth.</p><p><strong>Warning: </strong>if you watch until the very end Gordon uses a little of his famous salty language, although you can't really blame him.</p><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="1Gdl-A1DvpA"></amp-youtube></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Admit it, you probably wouldn't have done any better if you were in Shane's shoes. At least his salad looked pretty nice! </p><p>If you feel like learning a few tricks from the master yourself, Gordon has his own <a href="">YouTube channel</a> full of great cooking tips for everyone from beginner cooks to experts. </p><h3>Share this video with someone who thinks they're a MasterChef!</h3></div>

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