History | Did You Know

"Fat Farm" Was How Women Tried To Lose Weight In The 1930s

Fad diets, intense exercise regimes, juicing, these are all ways people try to lose weight in today's day and age.

Of course, unless you do it properly, half the trends don't work at all. It's strange, though, that we haven't found something extremely tried and true, considering people have been trying to lose weight forever.

At least we can say for sure that the way they did it in the 1930s was a little more...strange?

Oddly enough, the '30s called for an increase in dairy if you wanted to lose weight...and not just consuming it.

Rose Dor Farm was a dairy farm located in New York City and run by siblings Bob, Rosalie, and Doris Taplinger. It was basically fat camp, but for adult women.

You would stay for 10 days and be held to a strict regimen of diet and exercise. The first three days would consist of a strict juice-only diet, followed by a week of cultured milk and vegetables. Plus, of course, a lot of exercise. All of this cost $5.50 a day.

Here are some pictures from the Rose Dor Farm.

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