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A Starving Kitten Was Discovered At A Fire Station, And He Completely Stole Their Hearts (And Ours)


You would usually think of black and white dalmatians as the typical fire station mascot, but with strange circumstances comes special opportunities.

It all began one day in Portland, Oregon, at the the Belmont Fire House, when a malnourished and weak-looking kitten strayed into the station. He barely had enough energy to move, but he was visibly scared of the staff at first.

The firefighters gave him some fried chicken and care, and eventually the white and orange visitor decided it was safe to look around.

Fire Chief Segars noticed the animal walking around after a few days and asked his men where it had come from.

"I came in one day and I saw the guys playing with this kitten," said the Chief, "So I asked the guys, "˜Why is the cat here?' And they told me, "˜He lives here now.' "

Normally cats and dogs pass through the station for a few days at most, but everyone could tell this cat was different.

That's when 'Flame' made it clear he had no plans on leaving.

After a few weeks, it seemed as though the little kitten had settled right into his new environment. What's more, the firefighting crew started feeling more attached to their new mascot.

"We see a lot of bad stuff," says Segars, "And it's like he knows, he can sense, that maybe they aren't having a good day. And he will just rub up on them and sit in their lap, and be like, I'm here for you."

Flame the Arson Cat even has his own Instagram account!

He's become quite the local celebrity in fact. People come by to take photos and even send in gifts for the little guy.

He doesn't appear bothered by the commotion that comes from living in a fire station, and the crew just can't get enough of him!

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