Every day we use Google to ask a bunch of questions. Google never judges us for not knowing the answers, they just provide us with thousands of useful results to help us along our way. Every year, Google reveals the trending search terms that we all looked up, and this years health-related questions give a little bit of insight into what people are concerned about.
Here's what we have all be searching for this year:
1. Ketogenic Diets
Apparently the war on carbs is very much real. People have searched the term "ketogenic" four times as much as they had the year before. People want to know exactly how many carbs they should be eating using this diet, and how it will help kick start the body's fat-burning process.
2. Opioid Epidemic
The "opioid epidemic" that was reported in the US took over Google. President Trump said that "Nobody has seen anything like what is going on now," after it was discovered that over two million Americans suffer from addiction.
3. Suicide Prevention
They suspect that the Neflix series 13 Reasons Why helped raise a lot of awareness about suicide in teens. This prompted a lot of parents to look into suicide awareness and prevention, to try and talk to their kids about it.
4. Lupus

Analysts suggest that the reason why there has been an increase in searches about lupus are related to actress and singer Selena Gomez. Gomez went through a kidney transplant this year, and with all the news surrounding her people's interest in the disease seemed to spike.
Some of the questions people googled were a little less serious
5. What causes Hiccups
No one likes getting the hiccups. They come at the worst time and seem to last so much longer than you would want. We all have our own little tricks to try and make them stop, but none of us really know what they are. Well, to answer your questions, apparently "Hiccups are sudden, involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle. As the muscle contracts repeatedly, the opening between the vocal cords snaps shut to check the inflow of air and makes the hiccup sound. Irritation of the nerves that extend from the neck to the chest can cause hiccups," at least according to one source.
6. How to stop snoring
If you've ever lived with someone who snores, you know exactly why this is a top searched phrase. There isn't one solution that will work for everyone, but there are many different things you can try. Whether you go for a CPAP machine, special pillows, nose strips, whatever your option you'll find information about it online.
7. Why is apple cider vinegar good for you?
Apple cider vinegar seems to be everywhere now. It's all over Pinterest in all of the recipes for hair masks and face masks, but why is it good for you? Apparently there are a lot of benefits because it kills bacteria, lowers blood sugar, makes you feel full, lowers cholesterol, among other things.