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These 8 Habits Will Make You More Likable

Business Insider

The undeniable truth is that we do the things we do in order to be liked by other people. What people find likable about you may be subjective, but studies have shown that objective likability traits do exist.


I'm sure every self-help book has this phrase somewhere in its contents: Be yourself. The reason why this phrase is so heavily preached is because it's the first step to becoming a better, more confident person. The only way to give off a genuine perception is to be who you are. People like a genuine person because we feel comfortable and trusting in their presence.

There's one caveat to this: don't give depressing or secret details about your life when it's not necessary. You want to come across as human, but not as an avid complainer.

The 'seven' second window

This may make or break you. Make sure to leave a positive impression the first time you meet someone. Studies have shown that first impressions can be close to impossible to change. This shouldn't be daunting, it only reinforces the point on authenticity and positive body language.

Be engaged

Put the phone down. There's nothing worse than having a conversation with someone who is having a conversation with someone else. Also, don't be the person who is thinking about what they want to say next. Asking questions and reacting appropriately is a crucial!

Tip: Give compliments!  

Remember names/facts

If you've ever been surprised by someone you don't know very well remembering your name or a quirky fact about you, it's probably made you feel good. So, don't feel shy to ask questions, even if you have to ask a second time. Studies show that calling someone by name makes them feel validated and important, whether you call their name when you greet them or during other parts of the conversation.

These next four are very important...

Use Positive Body Language

Your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice are unconsciously sending signals about you to the person you're talking to. Also, people tend to mimic body language, so if you want people to see you as likable, make sure you're smiling, sounding enthusiastic, and your body is leaning toward the person you're talking to.

Don't Seek Attention

Please don't be a know-it-all or seem desperate for attention. There's a common misconception that extroverted and talkative personalities are very likable, but that's not always the case. If you're in a group, make sure everyone has a chance to speak and be recognized. Appearing humble is another huge factor in likability.

Be Non-Judgmental

Be less critical and become more of a confidant. The first step to achieve this is to be open-minded because it will make you appear more approachable. This type of attitude will allow you to better understand people and connect with them on a deeper level.

Say good things about others

This is a very positive indicator. If the person you're talking to speaks well about someone else, they'll probably do the same behind your back, which is a good sign. So, you should adopt this habit and do the same.

How many of these habits do you have?

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