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15 Hilarious Notes From Children That Will Make You Laugh Till You Cry

If you've been around children, then you know that they just do and say the darnest things. Kids don't necessarily think before blurting out whatever it is that comes to mind, and many a time, this results in some funny moments.  

Here are 15 hilarious and unfiltered notes written by kids that will have you in stitches:

1. The kid with the best trick


2. The kid who still has lots to learn


3. The kid who might someday go on a date


4. The kid who prayed for a puppy

Bored Panda

5. The blunt Christmas card

Bored Panda

The notes only get funnier...

6. The kid whose mom actually works at Home Depot

The Ridiculant

7. The future doctor


8. The kid who just can't be sorry


9. The heartbreaker


10. The kid who made a spelling error

Daily Mail

Wait! There's more...

11. The kid who's glad grandpa is still around

Daily Mail

12. The kid with a shoe addiction

Huffington Post

13. The kid who kind of wants to be like daddy


14. The kid who's already a nihilist


15. The kid with the questionable life goal


Have you ever received a funny note from a kid? Let us know!

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