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Napping can Dramatically Increase Learning, Memory, Awareness, and More

Sleep is crucial for our overall health, boosts creativity and the thinking capacity, and there are town and areas around the world that deliberately shut down entirely so that people can reboot by taking a short nap.  

Numerous huge companies, such as Apple and Google, allow their workers to take a nap before continuing their work.

It has been scientifically confirmed that naps boost productivity, performance, and focus.

Naps are highly beneficial, and they are normal and important part of the circadian (sleep-wake cycle) rhythm. Throughout the day, our energy levels, concentration, and focus vary, and naps can help you recharge and boost your energy levels.

According to the findings of a study conducted at the University of Colorado Boulder, children who skipped their napping time have increased risks of health issues such as anxiety, problem-solving skills, and reduced joy and interest.

It is the same with adults, and Berkeley researchers found that adults who nap more often boost their learning skills and memory.

Napping has a huge positive effect on the function of the brain and helps us to reboot and refresh. Yet, experts agree that the function of the brain is significantly improved by a 10-20 minute nap.

If you want to avoid grogginess and feeling blurry, do not nap for more than 20 minutes, as naps should be lighter and shorter than sleep itself.

When we sleep for more than an hour, the body enters into serious sleeping stages, so breaking it might leave the body more tired than before.

People who cannot sleep well or long enough at night should nap for around 90 minutes.

Therefore, take your time to shortly nap whenever you can, but stay on point at all times, and be careful not to disrupt the regular night sleep.


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