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Here's How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Toenail Without Surgery

An ingrown toenail is a painful condition, that occurs in the sharp corner of the toenail. In most cases, it is a result of the pressure from the ingrowth of the nail edge into the skin of the toe.

Many people solve this issue by undergoing a surgery, but despite being unpleasant and expensive, it is often unnecessary, when you can treat it completely naturally at home, in case it is in its early stage.

Here is what to do:

Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda in 5l of hot water. Soak the feet in a hot bath to soften the nails.

Then, use tweezers and try to place a small cotton ball between the nail and the skin, previously soaked in iodine. Keep it bandaged, and try not to wear socks while at home, to allow the skin to breathe.

Change the cotton daily for 15 days, and the nail will eventually heal.

Furthermore, you can also mix a tablespoon of raw honey and a ground garlic clove or Aloe Vera gel, and apply the powerful antiseptic mixture on the affected area.


The post Here's How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Toenail Without Surgery appeared first on Healthy Life Box.

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