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The Spice That Fights Cavities & Bad Breath

Many of you regularly add cardamom to the Indian dishes you prepare at home, due to its distinctive sweet, floral flavor. It is rich in phytonutrients, potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and phosphorus, and offers numerous health benefits.

Here are some of them:

Anti-spasmodic and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Cardamom relives joint and muscle pain fights inflammation and soothes the spasms in the muscles.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Cardamom lowers blood pressure, and studies have found that it reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people diagnosed with primary stage 1 hypertension.

Relieves Bad Breath

It fights bad breath, and its antimicrobial properties destroy bacteria in the oral cavity.

Fights Cavities

Cardamom effectively fights cavities and tooth decay. It stimulates the production of saliva, that cleanses the teeth and the mouth.

Treats Diabetes

It is able to manage diabetes symptoms since it is rich in manganese.

Treats Nausea, Sore Throats, and Vomiting

This spice has been used as a nausea remedy for centuries. It soothes a sore throat, vomiting, and nausea. ,

Treats Urinary Disorders

Cardamom is a popular Ayurvedic remedy for urinary tract diseases and infections like cystitis, nephritis, and gonorrhea.

Helps Digestion

It is commonly used in the Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine as a natural remedy for digestive issues. It treats flatulence, stomach cramps, and gastrointestinal disorders, and prevents the formation of stomach ulcers.

Treats Asthma

Cardamom can also relieve asthma symptoms, since it exhibits bronchodilatory effects, and eases breathing by increasing the airflow to the lungs and reducing resistance in the airway.

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