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Ignoring Roof Inspections Will Cost You Down the Line

A lot of homeowners take the "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" route when it comes to home repairs. The fact is taking that approach can cost you a lot of money down the road, especially when it comes to your roof. Your roof may seem fine. You may not notice any leaks; you may look up and see that everything looks in order. However, unless you are a roofing expert that steps on the roof and does a visual inspection, you really cannot be guaranteed that everything is fine with your roof. Not getting the roof on your home regularly inspected can be a tremendous risk. Learn how you can save money with regular roof inspections.

Home Maintenance Is a Money Saver

There are a lot of things around your home that need regular maintenance to stay highly functional, conserve energy, and provide the protection that your home deserves. Additionally, maintenance can reveal if there is a need for early intervention repairs. Fixing a small issue before it becomes a big problem will save you money in every situation. Regular professional maintenance can keep costs under control by ensuring that any issues are addressed early.

Many homeowners are aware that they need to perform HVAC maintenance but are not aware that, according to Zillow, the roof on their home should be inspected annually. Many homeowners do not think of their roof as something that needs to be inspected or maintained. However, it does and it should.

About 23% of homeowners have never had any maintenance on their roof nor have they ever had it inspected. That equates to millions of homeowners that are going to face high repair or replacement costs soon.

What Do Roof Inspections Look For?

Your roof is exposed to all the elements. Rain, sleet, snow, the heat of the sun, the wind - all of it can wear down the materials on your roof. Even the most durable of roof materials can experience stress that can lead to failure. A roof inspection looks for signs of stress on your roof. A roof inspection also looks for loose shingles, worn flashing, and areas that need improvement.

According to a recent consumer survey, about 88% of people considering a new roof base their decision on durability; longevity is a close second at 83%. However, no matter how durable your roof is, there is always a risk that damage will occur. An inspection can reveal any issues and extend the life of your roof.

The Cost of Not Having a Roof Inspection

The roof on your home is tasked with not only providing a cover for your home structure, it is tasked with protecting your foundation and all the systems in your home. There is one fact about home roofs that everyone should know. Roof problems do not go away without being repaired. As a matter of fact, roof problems will get worse with time when they are unaddressed.

Every part of your roof system must be highly functional to get the protection for your home and the systems in your home that are needed. If one part of your roof system is faulty it will disrupt the reliability of your roof and affect the other parts of the system. The more damage there is, the more costly the repairs will be.

Early interventions can help to extend the life of your roof and ensure that it remains fully functional. An annual roof inspection is a small price to pay for the amount of money that you can save in the long run.

If you connect with the right roof company, roof inspections can be very affordable. Think of a roof inspection as an insurance policy against very expensive roof repairs. Knowing that your roof is in good shape also will provide you with peace of mind. Protecting your home starts with having a maintenance plan in place for all the systems in your home.

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