
Jessa Duggar's New Baby Has A Very Unusual Name

<div><p>Jessa (Duggar) Seewald has continued her streak of giving her children odd names. </p><p>Jessa and her husband, Ben, named their first child Spurgeon after a British preacher who founded a theological college in the 1800s. His middle name is Elliot, after missionaries Jim and Elizabeth Elliot who worked in South America. </p><p>But now, they've chosen an ever more interesting name for their second son, who was born February 6th. </p><amp-img src="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2260901275-3.jpg" srcset="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2260901275-3_GH_content_550px.jpg 550w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2260901275-3_GH_content_650px.jpg 650w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2260901275-3_GH_content_750px.jpg 750w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2260901275-3_GH_content_850px.jpg 850w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2260901275-3_GH_content_950px.jpg 950w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Meet Henry Wilberforce Seewald. </p><p>While the name Henry was chosen mainly because the couple liked it, Wilberforce has a historical meaning. </p><p>William Wilberforce was a politician and philanthropist who was instrumental in putting an end to the slave trade. </p><p>"We just thought [Henry] was cute, but also there was another great man of God name Matthew Henry who lived before Wilberforce and he wrote a lot of great commentaries," Ben Seewald said.</p><amp-img src="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/02/2260901275-3-1.jpg" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>"I think it's really awesome that we have two little boys so close together in age. I know they're going to be best friends and love growing up and doing everything together, so I'm looking forward to seeing that," said Jessa. </p><p>Henry Wilberforce and Spurgeon Elliot are just 14 months apart, so I think it's safe to say they will be best friends (and also worst enemies) as they grow up!</p><p>What do you think of this name? Let us know!</p></div>

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