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Lonely Grandfather Can't Help But Cry When Given A New Puppy

<div><p>Sometimes the best present you can give someone is to remind them of what they already have. Francois Vermeir, an 85-year-old retiree from Belgium, was living alone after his wife of 63-years passed away. To make things worse, Vermeir's beloved dog also died just 3-months before his wife. His daughter and grandchildren knew he was feeling lonely, so they decided on the perfect gift for him.</p><div><figure><a href="http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/family-friends/francois-vermeir-a-bereaved-grandfather-is-reduced-to-tears-at-sight-of-new-puppy/news-story/0f2d75bf979ec8e37bee334a9f55def6" target="_blank"><amp-img src="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/05/Au.jpg" srcset="https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/05/Au_GH_content_550px.jpg 550w, https://www.shared.com/content/images/2017/05/Au_GH_content_650px.jpg 650w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img></a><figcaption class="op-vertical-center">Vermeir and his late wife Jeanne.<cite><a href="http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/family-friends/francois-vermeir-a-bereaved-grandfather-is-reduced-to-tears-at-sight-of-new-puppy/news-story/0f2d75bf979ec8e37bee334a9f55def6" target="_blank">news.com.au</a></cite></figcaption></figure></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p></p><p>With the help of Vermeir's daughter and her husband, his granddaughter Lisa picked out an adorable dog to keep him company.</p><p>The Yorkshire Terrier, named Snoopy, must have been a good choice, because as soon as Vermeir sees it he bursts into happy tears.</p><p>While his reaction to the puppy is heartwarming, it's clear from this video that Vermeir's loving family is the real gift.</p><p>Since his grandson Davy Vanhaesendonck uploaded this video in 2014, more than 7 million people have watched his priceless reaction.</p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="xnQsC303SZ4"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p></p><p>"I can't believe it," he says as he takes the adorable dog into his arms, "is this for me?"</p><p>It's nice to know that Vermeir won't be all alone in his house anymore. Although he tells <a href="http://www.lindanieuws.nl/nieuws/eenzame-opa-krijgt-een-pup/">Lindanieuws</a> that Snoopy can be a real troublemaker.</p><p>"I'm glad I have a new dog, but also such lovely children, grandchildren and a great-grandchild," he said.</p><p>"Without them I might not have been here through the grief."</p><p><strong>Share this adorable video with someone you know!</strong></p></div>

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