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An Elderly Woman Shared A Photo Online And It Stunned One Of The World's Richest Men

When 83-year-old Ida Wilde shared a photo of herself on Facebook, she was expecting her friends to like and share it.

Instead, it caught the eye of a multimillionaire.

After sharing the picture of herself holding a bouquet of flowers at a wedding, Wilde received a message from a man named Asgar Patel.

"Are you Ida Moreland?" he asked, using her maiden name.

It sounds unbelievable, but in fact the pair share a surprising connection that goes back more than six decades.

Long-Lost Brother

Patel first met Wilde when he was only six years old.

It was just after the Partition of India in 1947, and Patel's father had sent him and his siblings to Scotland to escape the violent and chaotic country.

Wilde and Patel (center) with their siblings.Ida Wilde

They boarded with Wilde's family, and became so close they called themselves her adopted siblings during their five-year stay.

Patel moved back to India as a teenager, and kept in touch by mail for a few years.

But he lost contact after her parents moved, and says he spent "years" trying to find them again.

The House of Patel

The most surprising part of Wilde's reunion with her long-lost brother wasn't the way he noticed her on Facebook.

She was stunned to learn that Patel is one of the wealthiest men in India, with a massive group of logistics and transportation businesses called the House of Patel.

While Wilde was living in Irvine, Scotland, Patel was making business deals in Dubai.

One website estimates he is worth $615 million.

And Patel is happy to share his wealth with his long-lost sister.

The Millionaire in the Family

After their reunion on Facebook, Patel took the time to meet Wilde at her home, where they reminisced about old times.

Wilde was surprised by how much Patel remembered about their family years later.

"He asked if I remembered us all going to Ayr on holiday and away to Tighnabruaich," she said. "It was like we'd never been apart."

Wilde and Patel at her home in Scotland.Asgar Patel

"It wasn't strange or awkward and we chatted away like two old pals. He was so happy to finally find his Scottish family again."

Wilde also says she's incredibly proud of everything Patel has accomplished.

"I'd said goodbye to a wee boy and now he was returning a hugely successful multi-millionaire. It was surreal."

Keeping in Touch

Patel calls stumbling across Wilde's photo "a miracle," and says they won't be strangers again.

The mogul has already invited Wilde to visit him in Dubai, and Wilde considers the millionaire part of the family.

"We keep it touch now and it's just wonderful to have Asgar back in my life after so many years apart."

How lucky for both of them - finding each other after all these years!

[H/T: The Daily Record, Gulf News]

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