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15 Old-Fashioned Home Remedies We Should Bring Back

GreenBlender / The List

Growing up, my family didn't have a "medicine cabinet." Every kind of beauty hack or health remedy was in our fridge or pantry.

We are what we eat, so it's important we put the right things in or on our bodies.

Some old-time remedies like gargling with salt water is still practiced today, but others have been forgotten.

You may remember them, but how often do you use these remedies? It's time we bring them back!

1. Oregano for indigestion

WebstaurantStore / Shared

An upset stomach can ruin your day, and the last thing you want to do is consume a bunch of medication when you're feeling sick.

Crushed oregano leaves or oregano oil can heal stomach discomfort in under 15 minutes.

The oil is much easier to consume. Add 1 to 2 drops of high-quality oregano oil to a cup of warm tea.

If you'd rather try oregano leaves, make sure you grind them until the leaves turn into a fine powder. Take a teaspoon of the oregano powder and add it to a cold glass of water. Mix and consume.

2. Rhubarb to fight wrinkles

GreenBlender / The List

My daughter finds it so strange that I take the rhubarb from our garden, make it into a paste, and apply it onto my face.

Rhubarb is so easy to grow, and there are so many versatile uses for it.

This vegetable is packed with vitamin A, which is a natural antioxidant that prevents your skin from aging.

The minerals in rhubarb also helps to brighten your skin and strengthens the cells.

Create a paste using rhubarb stems and apply it to your face. Leave the mixture on for at least 15 minutes and then wash with cold water.

Repeat this a few times a week for best results.

3. Honey for coughing

rhsarrow / shared

Every year there's a new natural remedy people are using to hold back their bothersome cough. The problem is most of them don't work so well.

Honey has been used to prevent coughs for as long as I can remember. As the old saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The sticky substance soothes irritation by lubricating the throat.

Some studies have found honey to be more effective than conventional cough medicine.

4. Lemon for dizziness

Reader's Digest / San Diego Center for Vision Care

When I was a kid I had the worst motion sickness, so every time we went on long car rides my mother would pack lemons.

I can't imagine a car ride without a bag full of lemons. I don't think I could have survived without them.

To prevent dizziness and nausea suck on a lemon. Motion sickness causes your mouth to produce more saliva as a way to protect your teeth from stomach acid, just in case you throw up.

The lemon will reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth and ease your stomach.

This old-time remedy also works for people who are sensitive to new car smells.

5.  Apple for preventing stains on your teeth

Last month my dentist retired and was replaced by a recent graduate. He asked me what my secret was for having such great teeth at the age of 50 and I told him it was all thanks to apples.

I was shocked to see that he was shocked by my answer. I said, "Did your mother never tell you about this old-time home remedy?" He shook his head.

Many young people fear biting on apples because of their acidic content, which is actually not as bad as you may think.  

If you're not able to brush your teeth to remove foods that cause stains, like coffee, munch on an unpeeled apple.

The skin is high in fiber, so when it scrubs against your teeth it removes plaque and stains.

If you're still worried about the acidity, rinse your mouth with water.

6. Licorice root for bad breath

Dr. Weil / Shared

When I say licorice root, I'm not talking about the sweet candies that have the root as one of their main ingredients. I'm actually referring to the plant.

Since ancient times people have chewed on licorice root to freshen their breath and keep their gums healthy.

Even toothpastes today have licorice as one of their ingredients for these medicinal reasons.

7. Steam for congestion

If you really want to relieve congestion in your nose and chest, steam it out.

Hot showers and steam rooms are great, but inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water is much more effective in loosening mucus.

Simply boil water in a kettle or a pot and then pour it in a large bowl. Place a towel over your head and gently inhale and exhale the steam.

Make sure you alternate between inhaling through your nose and mouth.

Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil (a natural decongestant) to the bowl for best results.

8. Prunes for constipation

Mental Floss / Shared

My mother was a "hippie" before the term even existed. She believed all minor ailments could be cured by the right things in your fridge.

When my brother and I struggled to go, she urged us to eat prunes, even though we hated it.

These dried plums are high in fiber, and taking two or three each day can really make a difference for your digestive system if you don't have a balanced diet.

9. Vicks VapoRub for headaches

navyugsandesh / shared

My mother was applying Vicks VapoRub on her temples ever since the name of the product was Vick's Magic Croup Salve.

The topical ointment is great for all kinds of aches and pains, including headaches.

Gently rub a pea-sized amount of Vicks on your temples and forehead for a couple minutes. The cooling sensation of the ointment will relax you within minutes.

Apply the cream, turn off the lights, and place a towel over your forehead for at least 30 minutes for best results.

10. Apple cider vinegar to clean hair

Healthline / Coconuts and Kettlebells

When we age, it's natural for our hair to start to fall out. The least we can do is prevent it from happening as much as possible.

Nowadays there's a lot of hype around the "no-poo" method, which is going shampoo-free.

I'm not saying you should follow this method, but if you do want to try it, wash your hair with apple cider vinegar instead.

My grandmother grew up in a rural village that never knew the existence of shampoo, she only used apple cider vinegar. I'm starting to think that's why she had such soft, thick and long hair.

Apple cider vinegar balances the pH levels in your hair and gets rid of harmful bacteria or fungus that may be responsible for hair loss.

I've been washing my hair with apple cider vinegar once in a while and I've definitely noticed a difference.

11. Witch hazel for hemorrhoids

Care2 / Popsugar

All natural beauty products use some kind of ingredient you can find in nature. The trick is figuring out what's good for what.

When it comes to hemorrhoids or other types of inflammation, the witch hazel plant is the ingredient you want to use to alleviate that discomfort.

Witch hazel reduces swelling and cools the burn feeling around that lower region.

12. Ginger for nausea

Dr. Pankaj Naram / Leafly

I don't think there's any culture that doesn't believe in the healing properties of ginger.

It has been used since ancient times to alleviate stomach aches, indigestion, and nausea.

This plant has quite a strong taste, so make sure you infuse the root in hot water for best results.

13. Cranberry juice for UTIs

Science hasn't been able to prove that cranberry juice cures UTIs, but it may help prevent bladder infections from happening.

The fruit is believed to create an acidic environment that wards off bacteria.

Doctor Diana Bitner told Reader's Digest that cranberry juice "has been shown to reduce how well the bacteria stick to the lining cells of the bladder."

Constantly drinking fluids will also help to cleanse your system.

14. Duct tape for warts

Duct tape has been around since the late 1930s, and I don't think any household in America today can imagine life without it.

Duct tape is especially helpful in removing warts, which are skin growths caused by a virus.

To get rid of a wart, all you need to do is cut off its oxygen supply. Cover the area with gauze and then completely with duct tape. Leave it on for a week.  

Be careful that the duct tape doesn't rip off and that no water gets inside the seal, or else you'll have to start the process all over again.

15. Gum for stress

Who isn't stressed nowadays? Instead of loading up on anxiety or mood medication to improve your sleep and daily function, try chewing on gum.

My grandfather said if it wasn't for gum, he probably wouldn't have had the courage to quit smoking.

Chewing gum is believed to lower the stress hormone cortisol and increase blood flow to your brain.

If you're an avid gum chewer, make sure you chew sugar and aspartame-free gum.

How many of these old-time home remedies do you remember?

[H/T: Reader's Digest / Good Housekeeping]

Have I got you reminiscing about the good ol' days? Check out 10 things that used to be basic manners that kids today have never learned. Let us know if you agree!

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