Noom Review: Over 45 Million Lives Changed Including Me

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Noom Review: Over 45 Million Lives Changed Including Me


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Do you struggle with your weight and health? I do. I have my entire life. I have tried many different approaches and you know what, losing weight and being healthy has been hard for me. I have tried everything. From Weight Watchers to Keto it seems like a new weight-loss plan is advertised every week. That's how I first saw Noom. I've hear that it's an program that is part meal-planning, part fitness-tracker and 100% motivational life program specialist. I decided to give it a try and I have been really impressed with the results. Why you ask? Read on and stay tuned for a before and after pic.

Noom sounded different from what I'd tried before.

Both my step son and my niece are getting married this summer and I really want to look my best for these important family events. I know that I am going to be in photographs so there couldn't be a better time to try and shed a few pounds than now. The truth is I wasn't sure where to start. I've tried a lot of weight loss plans and I haven't ever been able to stick to it. Noom offered a different approach - asking why I eat the way I do. It also offered a personalized approach. We are all different right? Why should we all follow the same diet plan? I got to talk to a real program specialist who knew their stuff. I fit in the over 40 category and I'm sure that the program they put together for me will be different from someone in their twenties. Why not try something that's right for me?

I started off by taking a "30-second" online evaluation which assessed my ideal and current weight, height, gender and age.

That's when I learned I would be getting 360 degree support on my journey. Whoa, I liked the idea of being able to reach out if I'm having a hard time. Accountability is going to be key if I want a new lifestyle.

Questions got a little more personal after that. I decided to be as honest as possible. Noom covered if I have any injuries or health concerns.

After I completed the evaluation (it was quick and painless) I learned something absolutely fantastic. I can attain my goal weight (pre kids, high school weight) by SEPTEMBER! That won't be in time for the weddings but if I start now I'm sure I would be feeling a lot better about myself. My goal isn't just about weight loss - it's about getting healthy.

How much does this cost?

Is it worth it? For me - yes. Let's consider the benefits. If you're over 40, you may have noticed that it's easier to gain weight and harder to lose it than it used to be. In my opinion the right time to start is today. No matter what your age is. Start now and don't be afraid.

Noom comes at a fraction of the cost of just one visit with a nutritionist or a single workout with a personal trainer. Their course gives us unlimited access to a program specialist who is a behavior change professional, nutrition expert, and personal trainer all in one! Here's just a few of the things I got access to:

  • Easy-to-use food logging and calorie tracking
  • Meal feedback and analysis
  • Virtual support group
  • Nutritional tips and advice
  • Daily challenges and quizzes to help build healthy habits
  • Hundreds of original articles
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Over a thousand healthy recipes that you can log with one swipe

Noom combines the power of technology with the empathy of real human program specialists to deliver successful behavior change and sustainable weight loss results. What's more, over 80% of Noom users have lost weight on other weight loss plans only to gain it all back. Sound familiar? I know that struck a chord with me. With other weight loss plans I wasn't tackling why I ate the way I did. I always went back to my old ways, and my old pants that fit. Noom's psychology-based program teaches us how to identify and change the habits that have been holding us back.

You can join Noom by clicking here and completing the brief survey yourself. If you have been thinking about your health I really encourage you to take this small step and see if this could work for you too. I read an article just like this one and that is how I got started.

After taking the "30-second" online evaluation you will receive a personalized package based on your responses right to your email. I was offered a 14 day trial for $1 to see if I thought it was right for me and I'm sure you will be too. Right away I was introduced to my Goal Specialist (aka program specialist) and begun my journey to a healthy me. So far I could not be happier which is why I wanted to tell you about it.

Join me and the millions of people Noom have helped achieve happier, healthier lifestyles today!

Here is my before picture for accountability, I started on my journey in May.

What are you waiting for?

P.S. I know starting something new is not easy, but if I can do it you can too.

Head of Content, reality TV watcher and lover of cookies.