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He Was Told He Would Never Walk Again, But Nothing Was Going Stop Him From Dancing Beside His Bride

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In his late teens, Barney Miller was an aspiring professional surfer. He spent his days enjoying the sandy beaches and killer waves of the world's oceans. But he would never realize his dreams of earning his living riding the waves. A tragic car accident left Barney paralyzed, and the doctors told him that he would never be able to use his legs again.

For most this would have been a lethal blow. Many people would have given up and just accepted it as something they couldn't change, but not Barney. He was determined to surf again, and with the help of his friends, he made it happen, even if the way he accomplished it was a bit unconventional.

Daily Mail

Once he had managed to make that happen, through sheer force of will, and a determination that I could not personally fathom having, he met a special person, and suddenly found himself working towards something new.

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He met Kate, who would later become his fiance, and he wanted to make sure that when the day came, he could dance with her at their wedding.

Every doctor that he saw told him that he would never be able to regain the use of his legs, let alone walk, or even stand. Miller decided that he wasn't going to subscribe to what the medical professionals were telling him, and that he was going to be the master of his own destiny.

Daily Telegraph

Just think about that for a moment. Doctors telling you that the game is over, there is nothing that they can do. How would you handle it? Miller did what couldn't be done, and it was all worth it. When the day came to marry the love of his life, he stood up in his red velvet jacket and black top hat, and danced on the most important night of his life.

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The film You and Me, actually follows his, what can only be described as heroic, journey.

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