
Paris Jackson Finally Breaks Silence On 'Leaving Neverland' Accusations

Paris Jackson - Instagram / HBO

Since the television premiere of HBO's Finding Neverland documentary last week, backlash has been growing against the late pop star Michael Jackson.

In the documentary, two men describe being sexually assaulted by Jackson during their childhoods. Before his 2009 death, Jackson had been plagued for years by similar allegations, and a child pornography investigation for which he was eventually acquitted.

Now, Jackson's daughter, Paris, has broken her silence about the film's controversial claims - and upset many of her fans in the process.

Paris was just 11 years old when her father passed away.Paris Jackson - Instagram / Wikimedia

On Thursday, 20-year-old Paris wrote on Twitter that "injustices are frustrating," but asked her followers to "think about the bigger picture."

Fans were quick to point out that the claims against her father are very serious, but Paris didn't falter.

"The bigger picture is your father's legacy ruined and his name smeared forever," a fan wrote to Paris.

"So... not love and peace and trying to carry that message out?" Paris replied. "Tabloids and lies are the bigger picture? I'll pray for you."

The fan made it clear she felt the filmmakers "want to tear down [Jackson's] name and stop playing his music," and Paris agreed.

"Yeah they do that to everyone with a good heart and tries [sic] to make a difference but do you really think that it's possible to tear his name down?" she wrote.

"Like do you truly believe they stand a chance? Relax and have peace."

"Y'all take my life more seriously than I do," she told her fans in a separate tweet. "Smoke some weed [and] think about the bigger picture," she urged. "Chillax my dudes."

Paris with her father and her brother, Prince.Paris Jackson - Instagram

Paris previously stood by her father and waved off the many accusations against him in a 2017 interview with Rolling Stone, where she revealed her father "would cry to me at night."

"Picture your parent crying to you about the world hating him for something he didn't do," she said. "And for me, he was the only thing that mattered. To see my entire world in pain, I started to hate the world because of what they were doing to him. I'm like, 'How can people be so mean?'"

"Nobody experienced him being a father to them," Paris said, except for her and her brother Prince and Blanket. "And if they did, the entire perception of him would be completely and forever changed."

Photographer Alan Light poses with Jackson and James Safechuck, who would grow up to be one of the men featured in 'Leaving Neverland.'Alan Light - Flickr

In the wake of Leaving Neverland's release, some radio stations have announced they will not play Jackson's music, and The Simpsons has pulled an episode guest starring Jackson from reruns.

Jackson's estate has compared Leaving Neverland to tabloid gossip, and called the film "an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in on Michael Jackson."

[H/T: Fox News]

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