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Peeling Fruit Is Painless With This Clever Trick

<div><p>If you've ever tried to make a fruit salad because you thought it would be something "easy" to bring to a party, you know what a chore peeling all that fruit can be. </p><p>No matter how handy you are with a knife, there's no way to cut them open without getting your hands covered in juice. Until now, that is.</p><p>YouTube user <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rDDvHM7u_7aWgAojSXl1Q">DaveHax</a> demonstrates this incredibly simple technique that works for soft fruit like kiwis and mangoes, but also avocados. The only think you need is a drinking glass. </p><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="8JggNP6jogg"></amp-youtube></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>How simple is that? Just one easy step and now you'll never peel your mangoes any other way again. Plus this really takes the hassle out of opening an avocado.</p><h3>Share this clever kitchen tip with your friends!</h3></div>

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