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Pope Francis Performs Wedding Ceremony On Plane For First Time In History

Avvenire / Inside The Vatican

A couple's wedding day is one of the most magical moments in their lifetime. It marks the end of one chapter, and reveals the promise and magic that a future full of shared memories has to offer.

For some, it happens at a church, or a local landmark that means something to them both. However, for two young partners flying over South America, it was a moment, and place, that neither of them would ever forget!

Two flight attendants found themselves in the history books after a spontaneous offer by Pope Francis became reality.

While Francis was flying between cities in Chile, he got to talking to the two attendants serving the passengers.

Paula Podest and Carlos Ciuffardi work together on the same airline, and have been in a civil union for years. They tried to marry back in 2010, but an earthquake disrupted their plans, and it seemed like they would never get around to having their special day.

When his Holiness found out about this, he knew there was no need for a miracle to give this couple what they needed.

At first, they asked Francis if he could bless their marriage, a rather simple procedure. They were shocked when he decided to go one further.

"Do you want me to marry you?" he asked. "Here?" was their reply. Francis saw no reason for them to not have it done, and so the couple prepared themselves.

Another member of the airline staff acted as a witness and Francis officiated over the union.

"It was a great surprise and great joy," said Greg Burke, the Vatican spokesman. "Everything is valid. Everything is official."

For their wedding gifts, Francis offered them a black and white rosary, and spoke some celebratory words to them.

"This is what's missing in the world, the sacrament of marriage," he said. "I hope this motivates couples to marry."

The union marks the first ever ceremony performed by a Pope on a plane.

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