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"This Is Us" Has Done It Again, Post-Super Bowl Episode Reveals A Twist That Has Us Sobbing

It's not a secret that This Is Us has the ability to make us sob week after week. Whether it's an adoption story, fostering children, parenting, weight loss or substance abuse, each story-line has found a way to get into our hearts and make it relate to our own life.

With an Oscar-winning cast, amazing writing and the perfect music to set the scene, it's no surprise this show is pulling on the heartstrings of all of America.

Well it can be hard to choose just one of your favorite episodes, the cast of This Is Us has revealed which episodes made them cry the most, and now we're reaching for the tissue box all over again.


Chrissy has come out and said that "Memphis" is the episode that made her cry the hardest. Randall, played by Sterling K. Brown, takes his dying father, William, on a road trip that reveals his past. Whether it was the emotional moments of William passing away, or how he reunited with his mom in his flashbacks, this episode had it all.

"The desire to bring him home after this road trip and talk to the girls and Beth [Susan Kelechi Watson] about it all, and knowing that he's never going to leave the hospital "” it was so heartbreaking because that's the first time you ever heard Randall call William 'dad,'" says Chrissy. "When he took William's face in his hands, you're like, "˜Oh my gosh, it could take death and parting forever for somebody to truly express how they feel, and for there to be real forgiveness.' It's so layered because Randall has now had both of his fathers pass away. And then William going back to see his roots and that's so emotional, and the tying up loose ends and then giving [Randall] advice "” roll the window down, grow your hair out, and just live your life, because so many of us don't do that. And then just to see this man pass away with such grace and humility, it's just so powerful for so many reasons... I was audibly sobbing. I was gasping for air. This is why I can't watch this show with anybody."


Justin revealed that it was the episode "Jack Pearson's Son" that really got to him. After Randall calls his brother, Kevin, to tell him that he won't be able to make it to his play, the sibling sensed something big was happening. This prompted Kevin to ditch the play right before it started and go to his brother's aid as he was having a breakdown.

"Kevin wants to be the man that his father knew he could always be, and he's never been able to quite get there," says Hartley. "That was a big step to him getting there and being like, "˜Oh my god, maybe I do have what it takes to be this man that my father always knew I could be.' There's no other person that could've come to Randall in that moment and taken care of him the way that Kevin did. Beth could've, but it would've been different, you know? There's this really great line in Hamilton: "˜There is suffering too terrible to name.' I thought about that when I read [the script], and I was like, "˜Here's a guy, a huge mountain of a man, crumpled up in a little ball like a small child, like a baby, unable to handle the life in front of him, literally having a complete and total disconnect meltdown, unable to function, and here's another man walking through the door, not asking any questions, and just grabbing him and holding him... He's going through something that you can't explain, and I'm just going to grab him, I'm going to hold onto him, and we're just going to sit here together, and we're just going to ride this out."


While it can be hard to choose just one episode that really hits you hard, Sterling had to pick two. "Jack Pearson's Son" and "Memphis" had the actor moved.

"I shot the scenes back-to-back," notes Brown. "We [recently rewatched] William's passing away, and I was like, "˜Whatever makeup that I was supposed to be looking cute in was all messed up,' because tears were all over my face. And the other day, I was watching Justin and I in that scene, and both of them equally wreck me. I can't pick one over the other."


The starring mother revealed that the episode "The Game Plan" was the one that had her crying the most. Mandy revealed that Kevin explaining his feelings on the cycle of life and death to his niece using a Pollock-style painting really hit her.

"The painting perfectly encapsulates what our show is," Mandy says. "It's the perfect analogy for all of the work that we're doing together, and what we want people to take away. I feel like it's so much bigger than just one beautiful, heartbreaking moment. Nobody ever really leaves us. They never leave the painting. They leave an indelible mark on our lives that can never be washed away or wiped away. And it also just came out of the blue with his character that you thought you knew and maybe had judged like, 'Ugh, this guy, he's so self-obsessed, and he's a little bit of a narcissist, and, yeah, he's funny, but where's the depth there?' I think people were blown away by Kevin in that moment "” but Justin's performance is just so remarkable as well. It's so beautiful and so colorful and quiet and still."


An episode that Milo didn't have a huge role in was the one that really got to the starring father going. In the episode "Three Sentences," Kate attends a weight-loss immersion camp where she finally starts to unblock emotions related to her dad's death. In a drum circle we see the first scenes of Jack's funeral and Kate learns to deal with her grief.

"It's always the kids, and in a sick way, I'm always thinking about myself and my TV wife in those moments," he says. What is it about this moment that wrecks him? "It is the pain of the scene. Here's this beautiful soul dealing with loss, and she's dealt with loss when she was young. And to be in a setting where she's going through a personal, individual thing that is so powerful, and the release that she got from that moment "” it's not complete, she's still in pain. And that just breaks my heart. Especially knowing that it's relating to Dad."

As amazing as these episodes were, they likely didn't mess up viewer's the way last night's Superbowl post-game episode did.

We finally found out how Jack died, and once again the show delivered us a surprise we weren't expecting.

If you were still awake after the Superbowl ended, you likely caught the episode of This Is Us that fans have been waiting for.

The last few episodes revealed that there was a house fire that ended up claiming the Pearson home. Forgetting to buy batteries for the smoke detectors, the family woke up to their house engulfed in flames. We knew that that was the day Jack died, but to our surprise, he didn't die in the house fire.

After walking out of the burning building with Kate's dog and a pillowcase filled with family memories, we thought for a moment we were out of the woods. But then we remembered, Jack is supposed to die today.

Rebecca takes Jack to the hospital to get checked over and bandage up a burn he got while rescuing Kate from her bedroom.

That's when Jack goes into cardiac arrest while Rebecca is making phone calls to a hotel and the kids to sort out the family's next moves.

Mandy's reaction to her husband's death had us all exploding with emotions.

"Rebecca Pearson is the strongest female character on television today. Thank you, @TheMandyMoore for bringing her to life. #ThisIsUs," one fan tweeted.

"Damn, this is rough. The best dramatic presentation I have seen in awhile. Towering performance by @TheMandyMoore what a brilliant peformance by the entire cast. #ThisIsUs@NBCThisisUs," another fan tweeted.

The roller coaster of Jack's death went from theories of plane crashes to a drunk driving accident, so when it finally happened, we didn't expect a heart attack.

"Once you figure out the moment where it's going to happen, you may get some hope "” and then it's all going to go away," he said. "I think the best thing I can say "” or the worst thing I can say "” is: It's going to be f"”ing painful," Milo said.

Source: EW / People

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