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We Found The Queen's Favorite Cocktail Recipe And You Can Easily Make It At Home

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If there's one stereotype about the Queen and her family that we can all assume to be true, it is that they have opulent tastes in food and drink.

Queen Elizabeth II even has a personal chef who prepares some of the most delicious dishes for her on a daily basis.

When she travels, the Queen requests that a senior sous chef create some her favorite treats so that the diet she is accustomed to isn't disrupted.

Last year, Her Majesty's former personal chef, Darren McGrady, revealed that there are a few snacks she is never without if she is traveling far from home.

One of the delicacies the Queen is apparently very fond of is chocolate biscuit cake.

"Now the chocolate biscuit cake is the only cake that goes back [to the queen] again and again and again every day until it's all gone," McGrady said. "She'll take a small slice every day until eventually there is only one tiny piece, but you have to send that up, she wants to finish the whole of that cake."

McGrady also revealed that the head of the one of the world's most powerful families is a "chocoholic."

"It has to be the dark chocolate, the darker the better. She wasn't keen on milk chocolate or white chocolate."

Darren McGrady

The Queen's fine taste also extends to drinks, and she has a delicious cocktail recipe that she has favored for years.

The monarch, a creature of habit, loves her Dubonnet cocktail so much so that she brings the ingredients along whenever she jets off. According to The Telegraph, Elizabeth II never goes too far without Dubonnet (a sweet, wine-based aperitif), gin, and lemons.

The special drink is made with two parts Dubonnet, one part gin and a slice of lemon with the seeds removed, of course.

It has been reported that the Queen enjoys this concoction in addition to other drinks every day. While media outlets made it seem like Her Majesty is a binge drinker as she also reportedly sips on wine at lunchtime and a glass or two of champagne in the evening.

However, McGrady told Vogue that the claim that she knocks back four drinks a day is simply not true. Sure, she occasionally enjoys a glass of German wine with dinner or the aforementioned cocktail, but according to the chef, "She'd be pickled if she drank that much."

So there you have it! This just confirms what we already knew about the Queen, and that is she has great taste.

Would you try this cocktail recipe? Let us know!

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