
He Paid His Bill In Quarters And The Restaurant Publicly Shamed Him. Now He's Getting The Last Laugh


Tipping at restaurants is often a hot-button topic. Should you tip your server even if it was a takeout meal? How much is too much? What if you had bad service? Generally the consensus is that you should tip no matter what.

Servers make less than minimum wage and count on tips to supplement their income. You would think they'd be happy with any tip they got, but one restaurant in Virginia made it clear that some tips are less welcome than other.

Beer 88 posted a picture on their Facebook page of a pile of coins with a bill, captioned with:

"We'll just caption this...'How NOT to pay at a restaurant', cause that's the nicest thing we can think to say about the ridiculousness. #wearebeer88notcoinstar #anybodyneedchange #nohometraining #atleasttheyleftatip #workingwiththepublic"

The comments on the post, which has since been deleted, were mostly negative, accusing the restaurant of shaming customers. Most people were of the opinion that money is money, and a business shouldn't be complaining about the method in which they're paid.

One kid claimed it was his check, and commented "Hey at least I left a $10 tip!"

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People were obviously upset that a restaurant would be so ungrateful to receive a tip, but that didn't stop Beer 88 from posting a response. They called it "sarcasm and humor."

"It was posted as a joke, intended as a joke, and should be taken as a joke," the post stated, saying paying in coins is "annoying to people that work in the restaurant/retail industry."

"We try to keep our page funny and relatable, and had no idea that this would be offensive to anyone," it continued.

Whether or not they had any idea, they seemed to catch on pretty quick. The entire page has been deleted since the incident.

The boy, who now goes by "The Quarter Boy" on Facebook, decided to turn the ordeal into a charity initiative.

Took a few friends out to lunch and only had enough to pay for theirs meal with quarters. Though it was enough for the meal and a great tip, I was blasted on FaceBook by the restaurant for paying in quarters. It was not a good day. Then I had a great idea. I love paying for people's meals even if I have to scrape together my last quarters to do so. This whole thing made me realize how much I love doing this and why... Even if I get made fun of for it!

Everyone had bad days now and then. A bad day can make you see the world in a very dark and depressing way. But, one little act of kindness can change a person's entire prospective about their life. I love picking up the tab for others and seeing what it does for them.

I decided that I would find restaurants out there that didn't mind being paid in quarters and treat a patron at least once a week, just to see what this simple act of kindness could do for them! We will post videos so that you can see too how big a change just a little "change" can make.

If you are a restaurant that wouldn't mind a register filled with quarters at the end of the night and a special treat for one of your patrons now and then please post so I know who I won't offend by coming by.

Others have also taken action, encouraging people to show up to Beer 88 and pay exclusively in coins. A nearby restaurant even offered 15% off your bill if you paid in only change.

This seems like this is a situation of someone not thinking before they posted, but that's not really an excuse. Do you think the restaurant was right to make that post? Or was it in poor taste?

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