
WW2 Vet's Award Stolen, But A Stroke Of Luck Would Bring It Back

<div><p>After fighting for his country in World War II, Col. Ralph Smith was the victim of a theft when his wife passed away.</p><p>When hosting a rummage sale at their home, a piece commemorating his time serving under the American flag was taken without his knowledge. </p><p>He hasn't seen this vintage war treasure in 15 years. </p><p>"They never would tell me, even when I went to court several times, what happened to it," <a href="" target="_blank">Smith said.</a></p><div><figure><a href="" target="_blank"><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img></a><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite><a href="" target="_blank">Voice</a></cite></figcaption></figure></div><p>Col. Smith served as a member of the Tuskegee Airmen during the second World War. In 2003, Don Winton, created a bust of Smith and presented it to him as a gift for his service. </p><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>NBC Los Angeles</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>On April 7, Deputy Daniel Lobez pulled over 24-year-old Brian Sawyer as part of a routine stop for a <a href="" target="_blank">minor traffic violation</a>. </p><p>It was discovered that Sawyer was on felony probation and did not have a driver's licence. </p><p>Police then found drugs and weapons in the car and he was taken into custody. After obtaining a warrant, they searched his home. </p><p>At the residence they found more guns, drugs as well as the Smith sculpture. </p><p>How it came into Sawyer's possession is still unknown, but it has now been returned to it's rightful owner. </p><div><amp-facebook data-href="" layout="responsive" height="600" width="640"></amp-facebook></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>"I'm very glad to get the head bust back," <a href="" target="_blank">Smith said. </a>"My daughter probably will look at it, and my grandkids "” I had two grandkids since then "” they'll look at that bust and probably say, "˜Papa, what is that?'"</p><p><strong>What an amazing piece of history! </strong></p><p></p><p></p></div>

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