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Your Secret Weapon To Saving Money

Lucas Favre - Unsplash
<div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>By no means are you going to get rich doing surveys. But you can make a few bucks to fuel your coffee habit or you can stack up some gift cards for just about any store.</p><p>With the amount of time I spend waiting on my kids. I have more than enough time to do a few surveys daily. </p><p>Have you ever actually timed a 4-year-old putting on a jacket and boots? Let's just say you're better off using that time making some extra spending cash versus repeating "hurry up, we have to get to school!"</p><p>Below are 10 of the best, most trusted sites to make extra money.<strong> Looking at what current members are saying and breaking down the real story for you. </strong></p><h2><strong>More than Just Surveys</strong></h2><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w, 850w, 950w, 1050w, 1150w, 1250w, 1350w, 1450w, 1550w, 1630w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>Emilio Garcia - Unsplash</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p>Paid surveys have been around for years now, and although they aren't very exciting, they can be quite profitable. There are sites that are more fun though, and they still pay well! Here are two of my favorites.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong><u>Swagbucks</u></strong></p><p><strong><a href=";c=918271&amp;a=306547&amp;l=3093&amp;s1=survey1"><u>Swagbucks</u></a> </strong>has paid their members over $264,191,378. Impressive. I really got a good sense of their business while checking out their platform and looking at online customer reviews. I love the versatility and it seems there's always a good option to earn. They offer Surveys, videos and their <strong><a href=";c=918271&amp;a=306547&amp;l=3093&amp;s1=survey1"><u>Ncrave</u></a> </strong>platform. </p><p> <strong><u>InboxDollars</u> </strong></p><p><strong><u><a href=";c=1&amp;s1=survey1" target="_blank">InboxDollars</a></u></strong> is another fun place to make some extra cash. You can <strong><a href=";c=1&amp;s1=survey1" target="_blank"><u>earn</u> </a></strong>by doing surveys, playing games, watching videos, shopping online, watching TV (yes, really), reading emails, and by surfing the internet. This is a diverse platform that offers several ways to add cash to your entertainment fund. With top payments of $25 for premium surveys. Some of their partners are Netflix, Target, Walmart. <strong><u><a href=";c=1&amp;s1=survey1" target="_blank">Check it out.</a></u></strong></p><h2><strong>Survey Time</strong></h2><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w, 850w, 950w, 1050w, 1150w, 1250w, 1350w, 1450w, 1550w, 1630w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>Joseph Diaz - Unsplash</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p>Let's face it, we all waste a lot of time on our phones. I know that once I start a movie or a show chances are pretty good I'll spend half of it buried in my smaller screen. Wouldn't you rather make money with that time? Survey sites have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars to their members, and you could earn a cut. Below are the sites I trust the most.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong><u>Shopper's Voice </u></strong></p><p>I never know what new products to buy in the store, there's always too much selection. <strong><u><a href="">Shopper's Voice</a></u></strong> is different this way. You can discover new products, by getting<strong> <u><a href="">free samples</a></u> </strong>sent to you. This lets you try before you buy. <strong><u><a href="">Fill out their survey</a></u></strong> and let them know which products you use and like. Then <strong><u><a href="">get added</a></u> </strong>to their newsletter, where you'll receive exclusive coupons and test products. </p><p><strong> <u>Survey Junkie</u></strong></p><p>I can't say I knew a lot about <strong><u><a href=";c=1&amp;s1=survey1">Survey Junkie</a></u></strong> before digging into it. After doing some research, their payout looks higher than many companies I've seen. At .50 / 5 minute survey and $4.00 on a 35min survey. Amazon, Target and Paypal are all some of their payout options. </p><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w, 850w, 950w, 1050w, 1150w, 1250w, 1350w, 1450w, 1550w, 1630w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>Vitaly Taranov - Unsplash</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p><strong> <u>iSay</u></strong></p><p><strong><u><a href=";AFID=422983&amp;SID=survey1">ISay</a></u> </strong>is owned by <strong><u><a href=";AFID=422983&amp;SID=survey1">Ipsos</a></u></strong>. One of the very biggest research companies. They also have one of the highest payouts amongst panels. In addition to sending up to 3 or more surveys/day. So there's a whole bunch of advantages to <strong><u><a href=";AFID=422983&amp;SID=survey1">do surveys</a></u></strong> with this panel. Not just surveys either. Diary studies and webcam surveys are options as well.</p><p> <strong><u>My Survey</u></strong></p><p><strong><u><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=9733&amp;s1=survey1">MySurvey</a></u></strong> is huge. In 2014 they paid their worldwide members $32 million! I like this <strong><u><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=9733&amp;s1=survey1">site</a></u> </strong>for the opportunity of doing a lot of surveys. They certainly don't pay the most, but there's plenty of surveys for those that qualify. They're owned by WPP, which is a huge organization. So, lots of surveys on cool products and brands, and to <strong><u><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=9733&amp;s1=survey1">participate</a></u> </strong>in webcam surveys, test products, and diary <strong><u><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=9733&amp;s1=survey1">surveys</a></u></strong>. &nbsp;</p><p><strong> <u>Point Club</u></strong> </p><p><strong><u><a href=";aff_id=122&amp;aff_sub=survey1">Point Club</a></u> </strong>is another spot to make some cash on premium surveys. Surveys that they're offering are <strong><u><a href=";aff_id=122&amp;aff_sub=survey1">top tier</a></u></strong>. So good brands, and top earners. A few members are saying: </p><p>"These rewards are key and I do save them up for the most part in order to make Christmas happen or give my daughter the birthday gifts she wants" </p><p>Definitely real benefits to spending some time on surveys. <strong><u><a href=";aff_id=122&amp;aff_sub=survey1">PointClub</a></u></strong> also offers a free<strong> <u><a href=";aff_id=122&amp;aff_sub=survey1">$5 sign</a></u> up</strong> bonus and Daily Sweepstakes for their point that you can turn into cash!</p><p><strong> <u>Opinion Outpost</u></strong></p><p>This isn't the highest paying <strong><u><a href=";AFID=422983&amp;SID=survey1">panel</a></u> </strong>out there. But the advantages are definitely abundant. A couple of great things I noticed about <strong><u><a href=";AFID=422983&amp;SID=survey1">Opinion Outpost</a></u></strong> are the amount of surveys available. Also, from time to time, you're able to get high payout opportunities like: <strong><u><a href=";AFID=422983&amp;SID=survey1">$20-30 or watching a TV show for $10-15.</a></u> </strong>Lastly, you get paid immediately after completing a survey, there's no verification time before getting paid. </p><p>It's always hard to cut through which is the best of the best. Because everyone values something different. Some want a variety of different survey types, short surveys, highest pay, rewards options. There are definitely a good mix of different opportunities here for you. I hope you find the right one for you! </p><h2><strong>Computer App Panels</strong></h2><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w, 850w, 950w, 1050w, 1150w, 1250w, 1350w, 1450w, 1550w, 1630w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>Bruce Mars - Unsplash</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p> Computer panels like the ones below can pay out more money than other surveys. They track your usage for clients, which can seem scary, but it's all legitimate. </p><p><strong><u>Nielsen Computer &amp; Mobile Panel</u></strong></p><p>This is an app download through <strong><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=11329&amp;s1=survey1"><u>Nielsen</u></a></strong>. You know, the biggest research company in the world?. You get rewarded for just having it on your computer/ mobile phone. <strong><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=11329&amp;s1=survey1"><u>Nielsen</u> </a></strong>collects info on your favorite surfing and videos. The more devices, the more you stay, the more you earn. <a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=11329&amp;s1=survey1"><strong><u>Earn up to $50 per year for continuing to do what you do on your devices</u></strong>.</a> Best part is, it won't slow your device down. They also give away a $10,000 prize <strong><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=11329&amp;s1=survey1"><u>monthly</u></a></strong>. </p><p><strong> <u>Shop Tracker</u></strong></p><p>I'm a big online shopper, mainly Amazon. But really anything that can get delivered to my door is appealing. It's just too easy! <strong><u><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=10784&amp;s1=survey1">Shop Tracker</a></u></strong> is run by <strong><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=10784&amp;s1=survey1"><u>Harris Poll</u></a></strong>, a research company that's been around forever! (est.1963) <strong><a href=";c=918273&amp;a=306547&amp;l=10784&amp;s1=survey1"><u>ShopTracker</u></a></strong> is used to see what you're purchasing for research data. No biggie! You can get paid $3/month for this and link up to 3 accounts. That's over $100/yr!</p></div>

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