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Dying Wife Writes Dating Profile In Search Of Her Husband's Next Love

<div><p>Chicago author Amy Krouse Rosenthal wrote the most heartbreaking dating profile essay for her own husband after she was given devastating news. Tragically, she passed away on March 15, she was 51.</p><p>In <a href="">The New York Times </a>"Modern Love" section, she described in heartbreaking detail all of the reasons why another woman would fall in love with her husband, Jason Rosenthal. </p><p>The essay, titled "You May Want to Marry My Husband" went viral after millions of people read about their incredible love story. </p><div><figure><a href=";rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=images&amp;cd=&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiPqPzV8djSAhVL1oMKHeW9C9QQjhwIBQ&amp;;psig=AFQjCNHsvVP2BKhSE64b2IfE4XAAU8_bag&amp;ust=1489679991070085" target="_blank"><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img></a><figcaption class="op-vertical-center">Author, amy Rosenthal poses with her husband, Jason (right) and their three children.<cite><a href=";rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=images&amp;cd=&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiPqPzV8djSAhVL1oMKHeW9C9QQjhwIBQ&amp;;psig=AFQjCNHsvVP2BKhSE64b2IfE4XAAU8_bag&amp;ust=1489679991070085" target="_blank">The Hollywood Gossip</a></cite></figcaption></figure></div><p>After discovering that she had terminal ovarian cancer in 2015, Amy made it her mission to find the perfect match for her husband. In her final days, she penned what is arguably the most romantic dating profile ever.</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><div><figure><a href=";rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=images&amp;cd=&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=0ahUKEwigiJnL89jSAhVl2IMKHVO2BlkQjhwIBQ&amp;;psig=AFQjCNHsvVP2BKhSE64b2IfE4XAAU8_bag&amp;ust=1489679991070085" target="_blank"><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w, 650w, 750w, 850w, 950w, 1050w, 1150w, 1250w, 1350w, 1450w, 1550w, 1630w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img></a><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite><a href=";rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=images&amp;cd=&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=0ahUKEwigiJnL89jSAhVl2IMKHVO2BlkQjhwIBQ&amp;;psig=AFQjCNHsvVP2BKhSE64b2IfE4XAAU8_bag&amp;ust=1489679991070085" target="_blank"></a></cite></figcaption></figure></div><p>She wrote a beautiful tribute to him, their relationship and the love they shared for 26 years: "He is an easy man to fall in love with," she wrote. "I did it in one day."</p><p> "Did I mention that he is incredibly handsome? I'm going to miss looking at that face of his."</p><p>She left a blank space at the bottom of her column for the next story - one she hopes her husband will fill in about another love.</p><amp-iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" layout="responsive" frameborder="0" height="9" width="16" src=""></amp-iframe><p>May she rest in peace. </p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>{Source: <a href="">Newsweek</a>}</p></div>

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