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5 Foods Women Should Be Eating To Prevent Hair Loss

Wise Geek

Are you tired of picking clumps of hair out of the drain every time you shower?

By the age of 50, as many as 85 percent of men will have experienced hair thinning. Women also experience hair loss as they age. As many as 40 percent of women are affected by thinning hair.

The good news is that not all hair loss is permanent. By increasing your intake of certain nutrients, you can help strengthen your strands and give you a much better head of hair.

Here are five foods you should be adding to your diet to help improve the quality of your hair.


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A not only helps to preserve good vision and boost your immune system, it is also good for your hair. Carrots are also rich in biotin, which helps promote hair growth. Other good sources of beta-carotene include spinach, sweet potatoes and kale.


Some studies have pointed out that there is a connection between a vitamin D deficiency and hair loss. Vitamin D has been linked to aid stimulation and nourishment of hair follicles. One of the best sources of Vitamin D is salmon which is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 also helps to lubricate the scalp and reduce the dryness that can cause hair to break.


Eggs are rich in both protein and iron, but also biotin. This helps to improve keratin, which is what hair is made out of. Also, the folate in eggs acts as a hair booster. A lot of the nutrients can be found in the yolk, so you won't see the same benefits just by eating egg whites.


Rich in monounsaturated kind of healthy fat, avocados help to keep your hair soft and shiny. Also thanks to the high volume of vitamins B12 and E, the quality of your hair strands will improve. Adding avocados to your diet will also help increase the production of collagen and elastin if applied topically to your hair and scalp, or added as part of your conditioner.


Containing more mineral zinc than any other food, oysters are a great way to help spark hair growth. Many people suffer from hair loss or slow hair growth due to a zinc deficiency, so adding this protein to your diet will help take care of that.

Which foods will you add to your diet?

Source: AARP

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