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Need a few craft to hold the attention of your little ones when you're caught inside the house? We've lined up a few options for you! These don't make a terrible mess, don't require 100$ worth of supplies and don't require too much focus. Try these cute ideas and get creative with the kids.
Pipe Cleaner Finger Puppets

What You Need
- pipe cleaners
- pompoms
- glue gun and hot glue OR gorilla glue
- googly eyes (other decorations you want)
Wrap a pipe-cleaner around your finger to create a coil. Bend the end and twist it around itself to create smalls ears. Shape them however you like!

Once your puppet body is shaped glue a pom pom on for the head.

Hot glue some googly eyes to the face and your all set! Make a few out of different colors or try slipping some beads on the ears.

Homemade Ribbon Wands

What You Need
- small rolls of ribbon in different sizes & colors
- Wooden dowel pieces
- small eye bolt screws
- scissors
Screw the eye bolt into the top of the dowel. You'll need to use a bit of pressure so this is a job for you and probably not the kids. If you have access to a drill you can make a small hole at the top to speed the process along. Just don't make it large that the width of the screw.

Cut pieces of ribbon that are about 24 inches long. Gather the ribbons at the center mark and fold them in half. Keep your fingers at the top to help form a loop.

Pull the ribbon through the eye bolt and create a small loop with the ribbon. Thread the ends back through the loop to create a knot like the photo below.

Pull the ribbons and adjust them to tighten the knot, then trim the ends with the scissors. Try a few different colors or some glitter ribbon! Voila - wands complete. The kids love running around with these and watching the colors fly.

Pool Noodle Float Boats

What You Need
- a pool noodle
- paper straws
- foam craft sheets
- scissors
Cut about a 3 inch piece off the end of the pool noodle. This will be the base of your your boat so cut however many you need for the number of boats that you want to create.

Use your foam paper to cut out triangles for the sails of your boat! You can also have the kids decorate them or draw what they like on them.

Punch two holes in the middle of the sail at either end. Cut the paper straws so that you can thread them through the holes you created in the sail. You'll probably need to cut about two inched off depending on the length of the straws. You want your boat to stay balanced when it floats.

Once your sail id put together, push the bottom of the straw into the base of the boat the you cut off of the pool noodle (this is why you need the base of the boat thick enough). These usually have no problem staying but if you need to you can use some gorilla glue to make it more secure.

Fill up a large basin and float your boats. Why not bring them in the bath tub or create an entire beach scene in a kids pool.
Watch The Video
When you want to pass the time and do something fun and creative these simple kids crafts come in handy.