Royals | Celebrity

The Queen Has A Fake Hand Machine She Can Use For The Royal Wave

When you're a member of the royal family, you are subjected to certain etiquette regarding the way you dress, sit and greet people.

Even if you aren't a keen royal watcher, you have definitely noticed that the royals have a unique way of waving their hands while in public.

Queen Elizabeth II and her family are required to keep their fingers together and gently move their hand from side to side to produce the perfect wave.

But the movement isn't just for aesthetics, it was actually developed to ensure that their Royal Highnesses don't strain their wrists.

But after 66 years of doing the regal salute, Her Majesty has a backup solution for when her wrists or arms give out.

Apparently, she has a fake waving hand machine that she received as a gift a few years ago.

The stuffed glove, which is propped on a wooden lever, was given to the monarch by a group of Australian students during a trip down under.

Mind you, she has never put the "inspired invention" to use, but her daughter Princess Anne, revealed that the Queen, 92, was "thrilled" by it.

"They gave her a stuffed glove on a wooden lever so that you could tweak the end of the lever and this hand went to and fro," Anne, 68, said in Robert Hardman's book, Queen of the World. "I think they thought it was rather cheeky but Her Majesty was thrilled."

Hardman explained that the Queen, who has always been a fan of gag gifts, took the fake hand back to her summer home, Balmoral Castle, in Scotland, where it "became a much-loved family joke."

According to Mirror, even after all these years, Queen Elizabeth still takes greeting crowds very seriously.

At one point, she even hired a group of people to wave at the crowd of well-wishers from her Royal Yacht Britannia, which was in service from 1954 to 1997. Since the crews were too busy to respond to the crowds, the "waving parties" were tasked with the job.

"It was exhausting to wave all the time, so we had a party whose job was just to wave," recalled Albert "Dixie" Deane, one of the longest-serving yachtsmen on the HMY Britannia.

Hardman's book and accompanying documentary of the same name also include a number of stories that give us a better glimpse into the what it's like to to be a royal.

The film, which includes interviews with Anne and Meghan Markle, will air on HBO on October 1st.

Would you like to see the Queen use the fake hand one day? Let us know in the comments!

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