New Perspectives

The Shape Of Your Birthmark Could Reveal A Hidden Message About Your Past

Mother How

Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a birthmark. Before modern medicine, birthmarks were - and for some people, still are - a source of mythology and superstitious belief.

Before we had a better understanding of them, moles and birthmarks were once considered a sign of the witch or the mark of Satan. Accusers during the Salem Witch Trials pointed them out as proof that the accused were witches.

Others believed that they served as a mark of prestige - one that pointed to royal ancestry. While we know now that birthmarks are caused by abnormal blood vessels under the skin, or a clustering of pigment cells, it's still fun to wonder whether some of the old beliefs could be true...

Take a close look at your birthmark and then read on to find out what it could reveal about you!

You can find a special meaning behind everything, if you look closely. There's something significant about the size of your pinkie and the lines on your hands too, so it's no surprise that certain kinds of birthmarks can reveal something hidden about you.

In fact, birthmark mythology is closely tied to concepts of past lives, reincarnation and good luck. Take a close look at your birthmark, can you see any of these?

Fatal Wounds In Your Past Life

Check out the shape of your birthmark and note the placement. If you see a knife, dagger, or sword, it could indicate that your life ended with a fatal stabbing.

If you see the shape of a flame, you likely died by fire. Some people believed that if a pregnant mother stared too long into the fire, the flames would burn her unborn baby. The child would be born with a fire birthmark.

A circular birthmark - like a ring, could indicate death by bullet.

Who You Were In A Past Life

The same sign of a sword, or dagger could also indicate that you were once a warrior or a soldier in your past life. It could also suggest that you were (and likely still are) someone of great courage who fought their own demons bravely.

If your birthmark looks like another object, such as a spoon, a feather, or maybe a hammer, it could indicate that you were once a cook, a falconer or maybe a blacksmith.

For a few people, their birthmark could indicate what gender they were in a previous life. You can probably guess what that looks like.

Does it look like a rabbit?Nicole Southgate / Flickr

You Have A Spirit Animal

Some cultures believe that we are born into this world with a spirit animal by our side. Much like a guardian angel, spirit animals guide you throughout your life.

If your birthmark is in the form of a paw print, an eagle or perhaps a cat, it could indicate that you were born with a special animal guide. Others believe that it could mean that you were that creature in a past life.

You Have Special Protection

Much like indication of an animal spirit guide, a certain shaped birthmark could hint that you've been born with extra protection.

Whether it's a heart, a clover, or maybe a lucky rabbit's foot, these symbols are clues that your life will be full of love and luck. Some believe that the symbol of a horseshoe or angel's wings could mean that you were born with a protective shield.

What do you think? Could your birthmark be telling you something about your past?

[h/t MedicalNewsToday / ThoughtCo. / Elite Daily ]

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