As Americans, we have our own culture surrounding the food we eat. Each region of the country has their own specialties, but they always seem to span the country as we revel in our delicious edible creations.
Even though we love our American cuisine, people from outside the United States don't always agree with us and our choice in food. That being said, here are 8 purely American foods that the rest of the world just can't seem to get on board with.
1. Velveeta and other "American" cheese slices
When is cheese no longer cheese? It's a question that we have been asking ourselves for some time now. It's true, velveeta and other American "cheeses" might not necessarily fit the textbook definition of the dairy product, but I dare you to find something that melts as perfectly on things like grilled cheese, or cheeseburgers.

2. Alligator meat
Sure, even to most Americans, trying alligator meat for the first time might be a little difficult to do, but after you do, it is one of the most delicious things you will ever eat. A lot of Europeans have a hard time figuring out why were would eat reptile meat, but honestly, it tastes just like chicken.

3. PB & J in the same jar
This might actually be one of those times where I agree with the tourists. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are about as American (if not more so) than apple pie. I would be willing to wager that the two products are in 90% of American households. But combining them in the same jar might be taking it a step too far. Apart from the visual appearance once they have been mixed, non-Americans say that it tastes rather chemical because of what they assume would be the amount of preservatives needed to keep these two ingredients edible for the same amount of time.

4. Chicken and waffles
I love fried chicken. I love waffles. It isn't much of a stretch to wonder why someone would have put these two things together on the same plate for the first time, and boy are we glad that they did. The combination of sweet and savory is just amazing, and for some reason, foreign visitors think that we are crazy for mixing the two, especially for a meal other than breakfast. Honestly, who cares what they think, it's freaking delicious and we don't want to share anyways.

5. Grits
Another American staple (predominately from the southern states) that foreign visitors can't seem to get on board with is grits. This staple can be eaten at every meal, and sometimes it is. It seems that the appearance and texture are just too much for tourists and visitors to cope with. Oh well, more for us!

6. Miracle Whip
Contrary to popular belief, this is not just a variation of flavored mayo. Sure, it's made with different ingredients, but the base is all the same. People outside of the United States aren't huge fans of it, but here at home it is a major comfort food staple.

7. Root beer
One of the most delicious concoctions to ever come out of a soda fountain, root beer has become somewhat of an American staple, but foreigners still can't seem to get on board with it. Some people from other countries who try it have even described its taste as chemical, some even saying it reminds them of drinking mouthwash. Well, they should get their taste buds checked.

8. Biscuits and gravy
Few people outside of the United States seem to be able to wrap their minds around the idea of having gravy included as part of breakfast. One of the issues is, in other parts of the world, biscuits have a completely different meaning. For instance, in England, biscuits are cookies that you have with your tea, and they are certainly not slathered in sausage gravy (too bad for them). They really don't know what they are missing.

What is your favorite "American cuisine" that the rest of the world needs to take notice of?